Thank You for the Sun, Moon, and Stars

This website you're visiting is my sense of the mix between imagination and reality... It is just a world of another world within a world - another window within a window... It is the formulated light from your mind of My Mind, and back to your mind for my mind...

That said...

What is B3autiful Dark?

"Had the sun not set nor the blue skies fade, your eyes shall never have known stars exist..."

Now that you know what B3autiful Dark is, it's time to start, "taking you from A to B - also if there's a C..."

But before we do all that, let me explain myself a lil bit on why I'm trying to do all this transporting. I'll say that these days I find myself transporting priceless, metaphysical material (a.k.a. Life) from one spot to another just because I feel like it. I dare say transporting material around without feeling like it, would just be old fashioned miserable work. And who likes that; lest you be a glutton for punishment. Perhaps moving about in this fashion is my version of content creation for an otherwise empty existence...

Well now, since I feel like moving around these days, I have decided to make B3autiful Dark open for transport services, and it would be a great honor and privilege to have your priceless light make way to the B3autiful Dark for transport to the destination of your choosing.

Also, if I may add that transporting you around is truly my pleasure, however, I do request that a nominal fee be paid of course for The B3autiful Dark Specialized Transporter Services (STS). Because these days, money seems to make the economy go around in circles like a grand game of musical chairs that many of us reluctantly play.

Nevertheless, since we're here playing musical chairs feel free to head over to B3autiful Dark Music, and listen to some eccentric music while you wait to board the B3autiful Dark for departure to that cryptic place you call a destination...

Shoot, before I forget. If you don't really like the eccentric B3autiful Dark Music, perhaps some simple and strange B3autiful Dark Poetry might suit your fancy. To be honest I just made up some words to go along with the feelers at various points in living; not really sure if that's poetry or not. Nevertheless, we'll just call it that.

Guess what? The poems are alphabetized - how 'bout that for time spent? Anyhow, most of what's around there is just some stuff I say when I get to feelin' stuff. Sometimes, there be moments of frailty that give way to the deleted comments of me pettiness. Either way, it's all kept inside the Soul's Journal which is just my own little way of saying I was here in the world known as Earth. A little note about the Soul's Journal is that it may seem all demented and bad, but really it's not is all I can say....

Another thing, if you find B3autiful Dark Poetry strange indeed, please by all means check out the Poetry from the Knowns and Unknowns. Perhaps, the words such authors write will be of an interest to your wandering mind...

Everything (Except for a few portraits and other author's writings) contained within this realm is of B3autiful Dark... These things herein be from the wellspring of me, and I am from me and we are from we... A difficult thing to understand is that you are taking from yourself to give to yourself...

The world formed through my mind from The Mind… Perhaps the misery is self-inflicted, or I Am has been without all along. Are we me? And You Are? I Am are You? 1+1 = 0 or 2... I saw two little spheres; one black, one white. Only did I find little was great and great was little. They never seen each other, but they knew each other… The light shone upon them; one light, one dark… I am one, but the other I am… These things I share with You for Me...

Wait'l yuh understand the 3...7 B3autiful Dark Mystery....