The writings and opinions contained herein are nothing more than one man's use of words to express the feelings, real and imagined, experienced during his time spent thus far on Earth. These words are not intended to hurt, mislead, or otherwise suggest to anyone else what they should or should not do. Again, be warned.

These only matter here. If you want real wisdom go to the religions and read the books...

Here be nothing, but the B.G. & C's. Perhaps nuggets of wisdom can be found here in the fog of this mind...

Comment on YT’s ‘Permanent Economic Damage’ if US Doesn’t Reopen: Treasury Secretary Mnuchin

The following is imo:

I'd like to see a few of my questions answered in relation to the human economy. I'd answer them myself, but I like to see the other answers out there. What are the future plans for economies that are based on carving up the Earth for profit? Can this Earth sustain such economies? Also, of the three future options for such economies: leaving, dying, or sustaining, which are the ones that have gained traction for implementation? Or, are they all being looked into? As of now, it seems nature is making the decision for us in the form of a virus and death.

My guess is there's still some time to chill out on destroying one thing over another for the sake of looking good and feeling good, but what do I know I'm just a lowly fella in a world too big for my brain. It's such a shame we've all been conditioned into nasty habits for the sake of glory, profit, and attention. And to see now that these types of castles are built on the sand, and cannot sustain themselves against one little bitty virus is truly disheartening. Nevertheless, death is always an answer to a difficult problem as history has shown us by those who seek power and control as well as those who commit suicide. But what of that day when you can no longer die your way out; when death will flee (that's for another time)? What then will you do?

At the end of the night, I will say that if mercy is received then it should be given. Now, is not the time to be heinous. Might I recommend compassion from the haves and civility from the have-nots lest the fires of hell scorch the place again with indignation...

Comment on YT’s “Bishop Barron on Netflix’s “Unorthodox” and the Modern Myth of Origins”

The Rock and the Wanderer throughout eternity, I wonder.

Sometimes I wish there could just be peace without so much my way or the highway, not with us then against us, or just plain black and white. I suppose the list of names for polar opposites can go on forever. After all, no matter where we are, we are on an island; some just want peace and others just want chaos. I'm really not sure how I feel about being subjected to any of it so far; somewhat sad, somewhat angry, somewhat happy, and somewhat content and discontent at times I suppose. I want to knock it all away, but I presume that all this is what makes a living experience, or the telling of God's story.

If we are all in the mind of God, then who are we? Or are we beyond God? What are we? What am I? Who am I? Am I a Rock or am I a Wanderer? At the end of the night, what is the difference between a Rock and a Wanderer anyway? I don’t suppose I’m really even looking for answers to these questions as much as I am looking to understand why I would even want to exist in the first place.

Comment on YT’s, “Daniel Markovits: Good middle class jobs have been destroyed.”

Those who learn - and do - more earn more, but they depend on those who consume more to buy more so they can have more. The poor still holler no more. The question to be asked is who's gonna burn more when there's not much left because it's all been squandered for the unnecessary more?

How do you feel more? Do you feel more is better these days? Are you not content anymore? Are you still hungry more? Do you still need more? Are we ever really gonna be respectful to each other, more? Are we ever gonna learn to live together in peace and in good will, more?

I love you more, but I am afraid that if this cruelty to each other does not stop we are going both suffer the horrors of a nasty break up. Remember when we use to play together, and we had no thought of the morrow because we did not fight with each other? Remember when we used to take care of each other - neither one trying to outdo the other? Remember those days? Remember when we used to just be happy being? What happened to us in that we started selling ourselves for more?

I love you more, but if we keep this up I'm afraid we are not going to make it. I'm afraid we'll end up like Mars. So please more, if you can find it in your heart to give us all a break, we would truly appreciate it? If you could find it in your heart to stop pressuring us, to stop threatening us, to stop making us feel like nobodies, to stop treating us as if we're just lazy, to stop tempting us, to stop demanding we do more and more, it will be truly appreciated by all who have suffered at the hands of you, more.

If you do not stop, more, we will all go away, and then you won't have anyone left to play with. You won't have anyone left to stop you from being lonely. You won't have anyone left to buy your stuff more. However, if only more is what you want then who am I to tell you otherwise?

Comment on YT’s KingFace On the Trump Effect in Black Communities:

The "negatives" are there to remind the "positives" of the terrible things they are doing for the sake of more. "Positives" tend to be blinded by their feeling goods that they cannot see the real chain reactions they cause as they continue on their endeavors for more stuff as well as their adventures in building. I'm sure the Mayan leaders were really positive in their feelings as they were building an empire. I'm sure all of those conquerors of old were really positive in their mindsets as they were stomping the grounds of humanity on their quests for making the world a better place. For those who are only positive they are just as blind, deaf, and dumb as those who are only negative.

The question still remains; what is to be learned by all of this? What is the Son of God trying to tell us about us? Where is the yoke that is easy and the burden is light in all of this? Where is the understanding the ways of the Creator in all of this? What is this ouroboros that we continually feed? What is to be learned from this? What is this meaninglessness in this cycle of building roads to nowhere?

Is this life or existence cosmic education or cosmic punishment? This all be gone in a few with the new old to spring back in its place. Tell me again why I or we should concern ourselves for any of this?

Comment on YT’s, “The Future is What We Make It – Honeywell”

I do not mean to be disrespectful, but I would like to know who is the "we" in the "future is what we make it statement"? I cannot seem to figure out whether or not my family and I are considered part of this future that "we" are making... What kind of future are you all trying to make?

Me? What kind of future do I want “we” to make? I'm glad you asked. Here’s my Christmas wish list for the what we make it future:

I'd like to see some flying taxis, some extremely clean energy with little to no cost to the natural environment.

I'd like to see some more stringent pollution control measures for bastard companies and governments that value money over life and humanity.

I'd like to see that there is adequate shelter for all human beings that were funneled into poverty in the first place.

I'd like to see drug disbursal centers for the afflicted.

I'd like to see human affairs put in good order for the sake of life and humanity.

I'd like to see robots and androids replace a lot of the mind numbing tasks that the human body was not designed to do in the first place.

I'd like to see better approaches to law enforcement instead of the old fashioned "let’s run in with guns blazing".

I'd like to see better balances between the collective institutions and the individuals.

I'd like to see an end to slavery in that a human will no longer have to work just to live, but rather work because they want.

I'd like to see a future where the human is not bound to a company or an organization just to survive.

I'd like to see a future where an individual can quit a job and not worry about losing the meager savings that were accumulated.

I'd like to see a future where energy is free and not withheld because of an inability to pay.

I'd like to see a future where one's ability to acquire money is not the determining factor of their value to society.

I'd like to see a future where I can go to the moon and look at the stars from there.

I'd like a future where I can casually visit Mars just for fun and not because it has to be a part of some super important mission for acquiring economic value.

I'd like to live in a future where if a pandemic breaks out the money collectors will not continue to try and collect; where people will not be kicked out of their homes because they can't find jobs that pay well enough to pay down the debts they acquired from being tempted by various marketing strategies aimed at enticing the individuals to live a better life now on credit. There are so many other things that I'd like to see fixed or altered for the sake of a future that is not a dystopia, but for the sake of time and energy in reading I won't add anything further.

And should the future be made by a "we" that does not include a "me", all I can really ask for is to be allowed to die in peace - never to return to this dystopia called life because it has been nothing much more than slavery, longing, and poverty on account of being blind, deaf, and dumb. I will admit that the little love and concern has made it somewhat sufferable, but not to the degree of, "please, may I have some more?"

Comment on YT’s, “A message on China from National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien”:

I cannot agree with the Chinese Communist Party's threat to the inherent freedom of humankind. I cannot agree with racism on account of its threat to the inherent freedom of humankind. There is a commonality between the nature of this communism and racism and it is the general opposition to the inherent freedom of humankind. The Creator allowed for the inherent freedom of humankind, and it is safe to say that no institution, no government, no religion, no group, no family, no creed, nothing under heaven or therein should take this inherent freedom away from humankind; not even humankind itself should attempt to take this kind of inherent freedom.

Laws, policing, and general order rules are needed; however, they are not needed to the extent that oppression and outright violence are used to murder thousands and millions. The corruption must cease, the violence must cease lest these things reach up to the Most High and force a judgment as it was in the past with corruption being so depraved and systematic in the psychology of humankind that nothing could be done save for incessant violence to patchwork its broken body. The virus is here to evoke reflection and to act as guide rails for a course correction of humankind, and it is not here as an opportunity for governments, institutions, and other groups to seize more power for the purpose of financial growth at the expense of nature, humanity, and life in general.

I strongly recommend that institutions of the world not relinquish to hubris to test the waters of such a correction lest more be poured down from Most High. I say these things not because I know, but because I feel... Good luck to us all here on this little biddy ship called Earth.

Comment on YT’s, DecaMusicVideos, “Deca (Breadcrumbs)”:

I know another aimless genius that sits in the shadows longing for the light, but at the end of the night; making music that is right has left the home blight and the mind riddled with contrite... Nevertheless, this lost genius shall continue the fight and try damnedest to hang on tight so that thine eye can regain sight... So long alone that there is no longer a need for an invite because of the trickling of wisdom has brought forth a bit of might to stay the night with the light... What is this Good fight, or is it just a slight of vain? So this is what a conversation with the self is like. There is no one around to see and hear, but I…

Comment on YT’s, “Priest Reveals 3 Steps to Finding Purpose in Life”:

The world could use a shot of whiskey and some penicillin for the manner in which corporations, governments, and generally a.h. individuals have treated it... Just my opinion, so don't mind me...

Comment on YT’s, “Launch Event: Meet Spot’s Expanded Product Line”

I suppose this comment of mine is nothing more than preaching to the choir; nevertheless, I'll make it known for a short time anyway...

At the end of the night, all technologies are tools used for the purpose of good or evil (unselfish or selfish; however you wanna spin it). The wisdom is to try to see the real consequences of the introduction of any new tool. I will say that I strive to reside with nature as having the advanced craftsmanship from the Creator of Existence. However, I will not dissuade humankind from trying to remedy its current discontentment with life. It is my hope that more thought will be put toward the unintended consequences (unforeseen waste management issues, better balances with the natural world, keeping them out of the control of maniacs, etc.) of such tools that are used.

Remember it's more manageable when a few people are making things, but when everyone starts doing it things will get a lot more chaotic; usually resulting in the inventors and users living in a mountain of rubbish lest they see to a proper waste management.

Good luck to you in helping those who are weak and frail as well as those who are dying alone with no one to help them with their day to day tasks (cleaning, bathroom usage, food preparation, general maintenance of their quarters). I'd prolly make the CAREBOTS myself, but suffice it to say I am not really much of an inventor like the Creator...

Comment on YT’s, “mRNA vaccines, explained”:

If you look closer you'll see how problems have solutions (nod to NIN track- however unrelated context I assume); save for when there's money to be made from such problems.

Comment on YT’s, “”Voices []” Podcast, []: The What-if Chemist”

Looks like you gotta go back and take a "closer" look at the water molecule and its relationship to the other elements. Perhaps you will find your answer there.

Comment on YT’s, “Taking the Quantum Leap”:

Basically, what you're saying is that at some point all fantasy will be real; lest you establish order for what can be made vs. what cannot... That's what I get from all this... Perhaps you should consult with those who already deal in fantasy on ways best to resolve some of the potential gnarliness that's about to ensue... One place for great ideas on what to do with quantum most likely will start in the psych ward... That's just my opinion of course, but be sure to give credit where credit is due when you find the answers you seek in the strangest of places.

Comment on YT’s, “CPAC 2021: Morgan Zegers on the Left’s Attack on the Nuclear Family; the Truth of Socialism”:

There must be an understanding on how best to balance the individual with the collective. Each mind is its on dimension; however, all are bound to a dimension that encompasses all dimensions. If there is no balance... Utter loneliness is all you will find...

Comment on YT’s, “CPAC 2021: James Lindsay on How Critical Theories Work to 'Tear Apart' the Values of America”: (not submitted)

The negativity reminds you to understand the pain you inflict in all of your drive to achieve your goals, agendas, and objectives for the world you want. You must be able to see the truth of consequence as you positively march toward achieving your goals. What good is it to be a naked king surround by those who will not tell you that you are naked? They will let you continue to keep behaving as a buffoon because you are so positive in your attitude that you cannot see the flaws of your actions done with good intent. Basically, you need the negative to remind you of the pain you inflict in all your positivity.

There were many slave drivers who were so positive in their divine right, so as to say that God allowed them to be slave holders. Had there not been any cynicism from a lowly slave, or a better way of saying it; negativity from such a lowly slave --- that slave would still be picking cotton or building for a slaver...

Comment on YT’s, “Stay With Us: Evangelizing the Disaffiliated”:

2 Thessalonians 2

What does this even mean? What context is this? And who is this for? Is it for you? Me? Or is this for some other timeline's problems?

Comment on YT’s, “Lab Life – Episode 44: Space Environmentalism | Dr. Moriba Jah”:

You're asking for things from a pretty high order... The idea was to teach people to respect themselves, and in doing so they would likely respect the environment. Sadly, the respecting themselves has fared woefully short; therefore, it has left the environment with much to be desired... From the pollution of the rivers, to the pollution on the streets, to the trash all around the oceans, the evidence of lack of care continues to present itself. And who is responsible? The one who sells to the irresponsible, or the irresponsible who do not consider much beyond his/herself? Consider there is a reason why young children are not allowed to do much in the way of controlling things or making things of great impact, nor should adults who continue to be children should be allowed to control or make things of great impact, as well.

Anyhow, if you are going to make these things with such zest to put out to market for all to consume; you should have equally as much zest to ensure that the things you put out can be broken down to their base form and reabsorbed back into the environment with very little in the way of causing poison and damage. Otherwise, if you do not wish to dispose of the items from the works of your hands, sound reasoning would tell you not to make such things with your hands. Nevertheless, if greed be your friend and encourage you to do such things; just remember such a friend when you are drowning in misery...

So now, you are tasked with ensuring that those who do not respect themselves do not gain access to a new frontier in which they can continue doing much the same as they've already done here...

Comment on YT’s, “Lab Life – Episode 44: Space Environmentalism | Dr. Moriba Jah”:

You're asking for things from a pretty high order... The idea was to teach people to respect themselves, and in doing so they would likely respect the environment. Sadly, the respecting themselves has fared woefully short; therefore, it has left the environment with much to be desired... From the pollution of the rivers, to the pollution on the streets, to the trash all around the oceans, the evidence of lack of care continues to present itself. And who is responsible? The one who sells to the irresponsible, or the irresponsible who do not consider much beyond his/herself? Consider there is a reason why young children are not allowed to do much in the way of controlling things or making things of great impact, nor should adults who continue to be children should be allowed to control or make things of great impact, as well.

Anyhow, if you are going to make these things with such zest to put out to market for all to consume; you should have equally as much zest to ensure that the things you put out can be broken down to their base form and reabsorbed back into the environment with very little in the way of causing poison and damage. Otherwise, if you do not wish to dispose of the items from the works of your hands, sound reasoning would tell you not to make such things with your hands. Nevertheless, if greed be your friend and encourage you to do such things; just remember such a friend when you are drowning in misery...

So now, you are tasked with ensuring that those who do not respect themselves do not gain access to a new frontier in which they can continue doing much the same as they've already done here...

Comment on YT’s, “Saturday Night Live is Horrible”:

SNL was abandoned in the 90's. Which could very well be when the last bit of humanity was abandoned...

Comment on YT’s, “California Proposes $12 Billion to Tackle Homelessness”:

As I've said, the cause of homelessness stems from the undercurrent of heinousness that flows from high levels of human society. As long as those horrendous deeds and injustices continue, so too will the symptoms that result from such deeds.

Comment on YT’s, “Big Tech –S3E13- Eliot Higgins on Citizen Journalists’ New Form of Intelligence Gathering”:

Truth is the first casualty of war said some old fella... We live in a world riddled with war and rumors of wars... Truth is buried and is waiting for the go ahead to return... I imagine as long as wealth and power are to be derived from lies; then truth will continue to be stifled.

Comment on YT’s, “The Role of Human Capital in U.S.-China Competition”:

Are there any blacks, whites, Indians (India), or any other people aside of Asian descent inside of the CCP? It'd be interesting to know what the diversity numbers are in the CCP. Perhaps a silly ?, but a ? nonetheless... Does the CCP make it a point to have a myriad of race groups in the party? Or is it an Asians only club?

Comment on YT’s, “Government is Using Big Tech to Sidestep the Constitution On Censorship—Interview w. Alan Dershowitz”:

In my unprofessional opinion, if you let the branches of privatization grow too much in the US, your bill of rights will be subverted by despots and control freaks from the private sector. How many private enterprises forsake the bill of rights because it's on private property? So you should keep a watchful eye on massive private enterprises that they ought not grow beyond the will of "we the people" morso, than any other government would dare to attempt. Private institutions can be just as tyrannical as any other public institution is my observation on the matter...

Comment on YT’s, “America is RACIST—the 1619 Project”:

If anyone must know; slavery is nothing more than cheap labor. Is your labor cheap? Then you are a slave... Working harder to make someone else richer is pretty much slavery, too. Slavery is an ugly mark upon humanity brought to you from a deep and psychotic love for money... Nevertheless, let us continue to kick the can of slavery down the road; except this time, we'll call it grinding. Did you know these days grinding builds character? Also, did you know they say that if you work harder for others under the guise that you're working for yourself you will raise your self-esteem and improve your mental health? And yes, that will lift you out of poverty if you do what they say? One more thing, let us keep caging up life and continue to do all manner of heinousness to so that we may keep kicking the can of slavery or grinding down the road. In order, that we may keep "growing" our world economies and making ourselves "wealthier". These words typed are in my unprofessional opinion. So, by all means please take them with a grain of salt as you ponder the true nature of slavery...

Comment on YT’s, “I Done Broke My Youtubes!!!!!”:

The Internet such a mysterious and wonderful tool where E.T.s, Humans, A.I., Trolls, Goblins, Warlocks, Witches, Gnomes, Elves, Dragons, Soothsayers, Psychics, Interdimensional Beings, Angels, Demons, Warlords, Kings, Paupers, Queens, Presidents, Ministers, Preachers, Witches, Orcs, Fairies, Queers, Leprechauns, Tyrants, Dictators, Priests, Princes, Princesses, Jokers, Jesters, Wizards, and the like (If I neglected to mention your titles it's not for a lack of trying; just way too damn many of 'em out there for me to be digging around to find.) can come together so that they may have a seat at the table of communication. A place where they, and we, can all make friends and foes alike. The Creator digs it because if the Creator didn't; the Internet would not be in play...

Comment on YT’s, “Investing in Good: A Conversation with Jean Case, CEO of the Case Impact Network”:

The following is in my unprofessional opinion: The problem with entrepreneurs solving problems is they create many more problems in the process. In addition, they are too lazy to correct the new problems they've caused because they're already exhausted from the work of trying to solve the problems they profess to be solving.

After all, many businesses do little more than take from other life ecosystems that have been in play for quite some time. Those businesses then smash up those life ecosystems, and sell the products derived from the destruction to their fellow man for a fleeting and never enough profit for its dependents. Perhaps, working in more of a balance with the other life ecosystems will bring more contentment with work and entrepreneurship, rather than trying to get the next buzz from a sell regardless of what life it negatively affects...

Given the current state of human affairs and the condition of which they care so little for a planet that has given them so much, I would strongly discourage any further entrepreneurship from the masses. Instead, I would encourage the current entrepreneurs to start cleaning up the messes they've made, and stop pretending as if they can continue kicking the growth can down the road in a confined space. Needless to say, we all know the end result if we continue to make more problems than we solve (save a bag of marshmallows and a bottle of liquor for such a result is all I can say)...

Comment on YT’s, “Human Animal chimeras: US Senate OPPOSES Ban”:

Perhaps Resident Evil was just another tale yet to be played out in this life as a result of the insatiable desire for humankind to solve the problems that it makes for itself.

In my unprofessional opinion, I feel that genetic meddling should not be allowed by any individual, government, or business under any circumstance simply because there is a damnable track record of human inability to take care of the species of life that are currently here on good ole Earth. To introduce other genetically modified species would just end up causing more neglect, more tragedy, and more problems that the "throw away" culture does not really want to solve other than by throwing more life away.

I would recommend that, before altering and making corrections to the genetics of life, we must learn to take care of the life that is already here. What more can be said? To give the keys of life to a greedy, unwise, and selfish individual or institution would be a disservice to all things living. Needless to say, my guess is that for some, as long as there's money to be made - who cares what happens to life? And should the selfishness of the human heart prevail, we shall be forced to contend with the nearly unbearable consequences of choosing possessions, rewards, and merits over a harmonious balance of life between species.

Nevertheless, my guess is that only the real powers that be know whether or not this train of destruction, a.k.a. human ingenuity, has become too powerful to stop aside of a good ole reset button...

Comment on YT’s, “Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin | Announcement Teaser Trailer”:

Unfortunately, you're not satisfied with being at peace, so chaos is your friend that you imagine your foe...

Comment on YT’s, “Wall Street Week – Full Show (07/23/2021):

Whether physical or zeros and ones, all monetary wealth is imaginary... True wealth is found in freedom from slavery in all its subtle forms...

Comment on YT’s, “Gravitas Plus | The Sharia Law:

And people are getting murdered and maimed over conflicting philosophical thoughts about what God wants for humankind, truly pathetic...

Comment on YT’s, “The Warm Glow of Our Cool Universe (Live Public Talk)”:

Your mystery will be solved when you use your imagination; then the ones to follow will discover what you imagined... Heheheh... Just kiddin.; or am I?

A Comment on YT’s, Halloween Music Instrumental Fireplace – Halloween Ambience Background – Spooky Music (Relax with TV Backgrounds)

Ripoff artist found here...

Comment on YT’s, “Saturday Night Live is Dead”:

I believe SNL managed to crawl to the 90's and ultimately die of comedic thirst. I believe the vultures have picked apart what little remained of it. Now, the bones are left to bleach away in the desert sun. Perhaps a wizard will raise it from the dead someday. Until then, a film museum should collect the bones for safekeeping.

Comment on YT’s, “How to Spot a Hypocrite”:

After living for a lil bit, I'd like to throw my 2 cents of unadulterated ignorance into this comment section. A hypocrite is usually spotted in the mirror. Nonetheless, for the sake of order, we pick and choose which hypocrites get to be put on full display for the other hypocrites to bask in the dimming sun of self-righteousness. So, raise your glasses comment readers because I'd like to propose a toast to the hypocrisy of the human race in all of its elegant and dastardly forms...

Comment on YT’s, “Dear Fake Tolkien Fans: No One Cares”:

I like what you have to say here... I'll say that the resonance of evil has a peculiar way of distorting symmetry. Pretty much how certain resonances can distort cellular development. I'd dare say that you could probably spend a lifetime studying what I just said. Because at the end of the night, many a religion have spent years and years studying how to neutralize such a resonance as evil...

Comment on YT’s, “Welfare and the Politics of Poverty | Retro Report | The New York Times”:

If I may deposit my 2 cents of unadulterated ignorance into how things work in the world:

Poverty is here on account of the greed of plantation owners trying to get richer and richer while hoarding more and more. Hoarders come in many forms --- not just the trash infested houses of those with issues, btw. Poverty is not here solely on account of the disillusioned, low-self esteemed, all, but given up, not wanting to work, weary hearted slave.

The question is --- with the rise of the machines --- will the plantation owners continue to blame poverty on the slaves not working so hard? Or will the Mr. Hyde of business finally come out to show its true face of how it killed its conscience in order to accumulate so much wealth for itself? The tragedy is that governments can be tyrannical, but an even greater tragedy is how much worse some private plantations can be when it comes to betraying the people that work for it as well as the communities that have supported it...

What's truly sickening to the soul is watching a strong, rich, and healthy individual or group place the blame of poverty on those whom they have manipulated into such a present state of destitution... Makes me think that, had this government not been guided by the hand of Good to break up the vicious, tyrannical monopolies of old, many more branches of humanity would be trapped in destitute poverty up to this very day.

It is because of that breaking up of such greed that this country was able to become wealthy. To let anyone government, corporation, or individual continue to hoard such abominable amounts of wealth so as to strangle life for the purposes of having more money in the pocket, is truly a disservice to humanity. Such hoarding will ultimately lead to horrific fallout which the likes of many a civilization has fallen victim...

Don't take my word for it; good Old King Solomon was the one who mention a little something about hoarding wealth and why it's best not to do it...

Comment on YT’s, “Cowboy Bebop: The Good, the Bad, and the Netflix”:

I like your observations about this indeed. My 2 cents on this is that: pianos are not saxophones and saxophones are not pianos. Let the instruments be played as they were intended. Therefore, I say let the characters be played as they were intended... Spike is not a Julia, Julia is not a Vicious, Mao is not a Faye, and Jet is not a Spike. And Ed well...no matter how you spin it...is just Ed...

Comment on YT’s, “Absolute Mad Lads – The Video Game Lawyer, Jack Thompson”:

We all now know Halo is not just a game. It's an interstellar warfare trainer.

Comment on YT’s, “10 DANGERS of Living In a Cashless Society”:

IMO: Give it time you know where all this is headed... The Old Timer told you so. Also, with more people in the world what other way is there really to go about running things efficiently? Villages should not (my recommendation) be run like megacities, and megacities should not be run like villages. Here in lies the issue with growth. In growing the population, the tragedy is that systems sadly funnel everyone into being just another number to be addressed with more numbers...

If you wanted to avoid a lot of this kind of headache growing the population to this degree should not have been done unless you were prepared to:

1. Leave the planet.

2. Be glad physical death is a part of physical life (if you don't want to leave earth of course).

3. Do with very little as the amount of life increases (if you don't want to leave earth of course).

Besides, who really wants to haul a bunch of paper around during high inflation? After all, aren't timber prices sketchy with all the global warming and other tragedies we've bestowed upon the natural world for our quest for trinkets, toys, and copious amounts of poorly distributed wealth?