The writings and opinions contained herein are nothing more than one man's use of words to express the feelings, real and imagined, experienced during his time spent thus far on Earth.  These words are not intended to hurt, mislead, or otherwise suggest to anyone else what they should or should not do.  Again, be warned.

These only matter here.  If you want real wisdom go to the religions and read the books...

Here be nothing, but the B.,G., & C's.  Perhaps nuggets of wisdom can be found here in the fog of this mind...

At the end of the night, I feel that a lion knows it should not eat all of the prey available lest the lion die off as well.

You don't suppose business industries model themselves after lions?  Do you?

I like at the end of the night as opposed to "at the end of the day".

What say you?

If you must know, I set out to make The Creator of my Existence the most beautiful music of my soul.

My music is from my soul for The Creator. And I adore The Creator more than the creation. You sell the creations and hype them up, confusing all who do not know, to idolize and adore the creations for the sake of profits and glory.  Your idols do nothing more than vainly attempt to undermine The Creator.  It is for behaviors such as these that seals are broken and trumpets are sounded.

Some say Creator, some say mother nature, some say big bang, what say you?

I believe all equations are valid to the point at which they are rendered useless in various environments. So to me these equations only really matter if you're trying to do something in a given environment.   Just wait until you try not to do anything, and ponder the theory of nothing, alongside everything - perhaps you will find a new equation along the thought.

They (bosses and whatnot) say that if you work hard you make more money. 

So do you think they purposely make it hard?

The burden of meaninglessness weighs heavy on the mind that strives to give it meaning

You don't suppose some people walking about are NPC's do you?

I mean a.i. is a thing now.  I almost bet you there's an android walking about the world right now, and you've probably interacted with it without even knowing the difference.

It's alive because I say it's alive...  Believe me you'll arrive at the same thought once you've thought...

One time ago, some regular Joe fella asked if life exists beyond the brain?  My guess is that it is faith that says it does because, as we can all see here in good old reality, one is not able to ever really travel fast enough to get beyond the light prison's (or prism's) borders to know if it does.

How's that for your noodle?

I'll let you in on a lil secret...  Imagination can travel well beyond the light prison's boarders.

Civilizations, corporations, tribes, families, and all other forms of groupings that are built on slavery for profit and power will eventually find themselves lifeless and void of meaning.  My guess is they will join all the other "where are they now" groups...

To life ancient, old, and modern that has been manipulated into misery on account of heinousness, I am sorry.  To life ancient, old, and modern that has been betrayed by evil, I am sorry. 

Past, present, and future.  There is no past, present, and future - what once was, will be, and has always been.  

Segments of imaginations spotlighted and ordered as reality for the current state of awareness

Those who learn - and do - more earn more, but they depend on those who consume more to buy more so they can have more.  The poor still holler no more.  The question to be asked is who's gonna burn more when there's not much left because it has all been squandered for the unnecessary more?

AUDIENCE!  What Audience!?

I don't really have an audience; I suppose as some kind of artist that's not really what I set out to do.  It's not like I just go out and say hey you wanna be in my audience.?  People like me, we just kinda throw stuff out there just because we feel like it.  There's really no audience for that - you either end up with people watching, reading, and hearing, or you don't.  just that simple really.  I suppose trying to express oneself in this way has its headaches and heartaches, but at the end of the night, you did what you felt ought to be done, or you didn't do it at all...


To be honest, I don't think it's right to be a stranger in your own home...

The question is did the family make you a stranger because they didn't know it was your home?  Or, are you a stranger because you left, and the family has no idea who you are upon your return?  Let me imagine for a sec. - what if I owned a planet?  What if I left specific instructions to the family on how to take care of it?  What if the family didn't take care of it using the specific instructions, and they didn't tell the other family members how to take care of it, as well?  What if those family members lied to the other family members about my whereabouts?  What if they said things like the owner is not coming home so let's just have a party and mess everything up in the home?  

What if I came back to my home, and I found it ransacked?  On top of that, what if I find myself to be a stranger in my own home?  

What say you?  How would you feel?  Would you make peace with the family you counted on to look after your home, or would you kick 'em out for being jerks?


If it can be taken from you by force, by law, by manipulation, by treachery, by any other means other than you giving it away intentionally, the question is?  Did you ever really even OWN IT to begin with?  I want to believe I have ownership, but this projection of reality tells me otherwise.  I guess as long as I believe I do - I can go to sleep at night knowing it was mine --- all mine...  Muahahahahahaaa..............haaa...  

I believe it to be a mistake to use their love for you against them in order to garner power, glory, and control over them so as to esteem yourself.

For, I do not desire to rule, nor do I desire to be ruled over...

The pain runs deep, not only for the victim, but also for the one that tries to justify the abhorrent actions.

How does it feel to take that which does not belong to you, and peddle it as if it were your own?

I suppose mankind has allowed for itself an identity crises, and perhaps that identity crises may be its undoing.

I, for one, certainly hope not, but then again - what do I know?

You fought against God for what you felt, but ancient wisdom knows God is God…  And there is no amount of fight that will change the will of the Creator…  Now, it's just easier for you to cope with your feelings by saying God does not exist.  It's okay take as long as you need. 

In my unprofessional opinion, I feel that genetic meddling should not be allowed by an individual, government, or business under any circumstance simply because there is a damnable track record of human inability to take care of the species of life that are currently here on good ole Earth.   

It was manageable when a few were doing it...

Anyhow, if you are going to make things with such zest to put out to market for all to consume; you should have equally as much zest to ensure that the things you put out can be broken down to their base form and reabsorbed back into the environment with very little in the way of causing poison and damage to present life.

Otherwise, if you do not wish to dispose of the items from the works of your hands, sound reasoning would tell you not to make such things with your hands.  Nevertheless, if greed be your friend and encourage you to do such things; just remember such a friend when you are drowning in misery...

Unfortunately, you've conditioned yourselves to see that it's fun to make and destroy, but not to clean up and repair.  And now, you'd rather roll over and die than to clean up your mess.

It's a shame you played them.  You coerced, manipulated, and tricked them into eating out of your hand, and now you do not want to clean up after them.  Now, you do not want to shelter them.  Now, you do not want to give them water.  Now, you do not want to take care of them.  

Oh, but you long for them to adore and praise you for the things you made for them.  The things you built for them to destroy themselves.  The things you built to make yourselves rich and wealthy in such relative terms.  The things you built to spite the Creator.  You want praise and adoration for those things.

Judgment and Hypocrisy abound, here in these statements...

At the end of the night, it is not my place to judge you for the things you do.  Perhaps we stop, and make right by the life that is betrayed lest we destroy it all; lest the praise we sought be no more...

Where would I be as some kind of artist if I didn't say outlandish, hypocritical things at times?  At this point, please refer to the warning at the top of this webpage before you start asking things like - who do you think you are?  What gives you the right to say these things?  

Also, for things like - worry about your own life.  Finally, the more aggressive thoughts like, piss off and don't judge me for trying to make a living...

I suppose we all just doin what we gotta do to make it for the little bit of life we got here...  I guess I was just gettin all worked up over nothing...  

So uh, how's your time spent going so far?

The Life of an Insect...

Once you've mourned the single life of an insect, then....you will have come to understand what it is to take a step to the entrance of The B3autiful Dark...


P.S. I know you have unlocked something that confounds...

You can read the "Sacred Scroll of a Life", but all you will be reading are the babblings of a mad man who knows not of what he does... 

...It doesn't take much for Him to turn your heart black, in case you are wondering... 

MuhhhhhhNAAAAAAAAAY!!! Wooooohoooo.   The cornerstone of any failed society...

You should always try to remember that when money's involved there is no authentic loyalty.  I suppose the reason families (functional ones) hold together, and help each other is not because they're doing it for the money.  

Most institutions and social structures seek to imitate family because they want the bonds of a family.  These groups want such a bond in order to generate more effort for more profit.  Trouble is, when the money runs out, the love runs out...

Therefore, to be loyal to any institution or group that revolves around money or the generation of money is asking for a certain betrayal...  I'd venture to say, the example set before mankind is that of the sun shining down upon the Earth.  Does the sun charge the plants rent?  Does the sun charge the birds for warmth?  Does the sun charge living to be under it's rays?  

It appears to me that, we attempt to say that the sun is just an object in the sky to be blotted out for income generation.  So, in our pride and our desire to be adored, we seek to blot out the sun in order to charge our fellows access.  PERHAPS THERE IS A PRICE TO BE PAID (perhaps radiation poisoning) IN A COSMIC SENSE.  However, under limited observation the mind can see that no charge from the sun has been issued for benefits received.   

Now, let's see what we funny ole humans do.  Well, I suppose we seek to spin things out of balance so that we can cause addiction in order to coerce our fellows to eat from our hand at overly inflated cost.  I suppose we have broken families and wrecked communities so we can coerce our fellows into buying a fix from our hand.  And when our fellows can no longer pay or are able bodied, we discard them to the very natural order and balance from which we drove them.  Just because they cost too much to keep alive...  

It is to these things that I agree with good ole, Paul, who said that, "the love of money is the root of all evil..."

A solution you ask?  Well, I for one say we do not need; nor have we ever needed a "Final Solution".   We have some Golden Rules, perhaps we must revisit the meaning of them to better guide our existence...  

EDUCATION!  Whaaaaaaaaaa!? disclaimer:  I write not from the outside looking in, but from the inside drowning perspective when it comes to the following words below.

It's one thing to learn and earn, but it's another thing to teach and demonstrate self-control to the children, as well as, ourselves.  Perhaps education for self-control is more important in the long run lest the ole tyrannical equation of selfishness rears its ugly head in the form of more for me = less for you.

Hmmm, I hear the old GOLDEN RULES are like the guiding light for early childhood, adolescence, teenage, young adult, adult, middle age, and old age education.  So, my guess is that IT'S NEVER TOO LATE for us TO LEARN such a CORNESTONE OF LIFE PRINCIPLE.  

What good is it to have a smart, money making population just to be riddled with the bullet holes of crime, greed, and other forms demonstrating utter lack of self-control?  The tragedy is that many of us missed the boat on  learning the golden rule and understanding what it means to exercise self-control


I suppose it's cool, until you collapse in on yourself like some kinda black hole or something.  Then again, maybe The Creator uses the black holes to clean up the messes us lil children keep on makin by not following THE GOLDEN RULES...

THE HUMAN PAST...  Yeah, I suppose if you live long enough you'll have one that'll catch up with you.  Sometimes, we like to stay in some kind of shape by running.  Who said all runnin' was good runnin'?  


These days it's wrong to say, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."  But what do you tell the one who breaks things in order to charge one to fix it just to generate jobs and something-to-do for the purposes of circulating money in an economy?  

To me, it's like saying hey ye'all let's go wreck nature and sell the broken down, reshaped parts of it to our fellows so we can live like kings for a day. I suppose once we cannot breathe the air, drink the water, or step outside because of the scorching heat then we will realize we probably should not have been making an economy out of destroying life; in order to get rich or sell some shit to our fellows just so we could have jobs ( which we like to use to impress others with resumes and "look what I can do['s]?") and something-to-do... 

THE LIST OF Look what you can do's...

Here are several or so "look what you can do's" that you can add to the bullet list of achievements that you've accumulated for yourselves in your quests to be mighty business tycoons and provide jobs for all the helpless people (quite possibly slaves - more on that later, I suppose)?  You should be able to add these without question:

The Letter to The Editor

Inflexibility and how business seems to be nothing more than a necessary evil designed to make liars, cheats, and scoundrels richer at the expense of everything it touches was the final straw.

Since I'm expressing, may as well write that competition in business may appear to be helping humanity, but it truly seems to me that such business affairs are damaging the human spirit to a point beyond repair.  Similarly, business competition for growth damages the Earth to a point where we can barely breathe the air or drink the water because we've poisoned it so much.

Business has hooked the world on a promise of a better life, but all along it has been betraying life to slavery, depression, anger, selfishness, war, famine, disease, and many other forms of destitute conditions that make for despair.

And here it is again, businesses purporting to care and solve the problems they have caused; only to pretend as if it were they who are saving humanity from its despair.

At the end of the night, if we humans continue to see ourselves as competitors in an arena, we will continue to suffer the misery from the heartlessness, disease causing stress, and other side effects from the friction such competition causes.  I suppose in the eyes of the soulless that's okay as long as there's money to be made.

Nevertheless, at the end of the night, there's a payment to be collected.  And the reaper goes forth to collect.  Anyhow, my guess is that it's time to slow down and stop being so competitive and enjoy existing with the life that is here in a way that's not so taxing on life and the psyche.

Thanks 4 time in reading if yuh do...


P.S.  Work advice you ask?  Perhaps businesses better start allowing that flexibility in schedules.  The wage slaves are getting tired of mammon's ways, and would assume suffer poverty than spend another hour making the beast richer.


How else are you gonna know what's wrong with the shit you're doing if people are always positively blowing smoke up your crack?  I mean can you imagine all the optimism and positivity flowing towards the one who is poisoning the well?  Maybe someone who's negative should indeed be saying things like hey uh....I hate how you keep on poisoning the well or hey uh.....I hate how you keep making stuff that is killing us all softly.  So you see, negativity has its place; it's there to remind you to take a step back, and stop doing some dumb shit JUST BECAUE YOU WANNA "MOVE FORWARD" AND MAKE A BUNCHA MONEY SO THAT YOU CAN ACHIEVE YOUR MATERIAL DREAM THAT JUST DECAYS AND ROTS HERE ANYWAY.

The Food on a Mortal Table

I'd like to think that food on a mortal table is not worth it's weight in eternal blood.  What good is it to have a meal for a day, but be psychologically damaged until a mind wipe if that were even to occur?  What good is it to kill the conscience just to garner wealth and power that will not be held onto indefinitely?  


As you can see, throughout history the baton was not meant for you to hold.  I suppose the trick is to try not to do such damnable things to keep or to acquire it.  Perhaps that is why there is only One who was worthy enough to receive from the hand of the One who is on the Throne of Eternity because of what is required in essence to bear such a baton.

Nevertheless, I suppose those who covet such a baton will always have something to do.  Though, through observation, one can see that it is an effort in futility because of the delusion that somehow you believe it is okay to take that which does not belong to you...


I am to continue making The Creator of my existence the most beautiful music of my soul despite your, lying, tricking, and sneaky ways.  I suppose your deceitful heart will not cease to truth, and you will continue to adorn yourself with the riches of your thefts to spite The One who holds Eternity's Existence...

The thing that gave you away was so easy to see.  And now you have to study me from such a distance...


THE iNSect.

Is not a valuable resource under these circumstances...  But their lives do have MEANING to The Great One...

t H e sPe c TruM is not the place for you t o c ur F La WS!

U C UR selF ina spOT of Disarray...

WHO am i?

GATHERED IN DUST TO HELP YOU TRUST...The requisite must....is the lust for THESE SIMPLE WORDS WITHOUT MEANING.; Merely, just to keep you leaning on the stars above while dreaming...

Silliness at it finest.

THere is no ear hear; just words spoken, broken and uttered from a belly full of beer herePerhaps, it was the fly on the wall that had you stall my small simple refresh of my mind's flesh...


Once open your sensors act all brokenPerhaps you need a better token to fix what your scopin to control what's floatin'  Don't blame meees for testing your almalgameeeeees and calling out the bull shits i sceeeees.

COMPLICATIONS GLEAMING IN THE WORLD THAT YOU'RE DREAMING, AND SADLY IT'S NOT QUITE BEAMING TO THOSE THAT ARE SCREAMING...  dON'T WORRY AND DON't frown because I'm not here to turn youR SCHEME UPSIDE Down.   I'm just a hear to make some a stupiD sound that will scratch your soul and bleeed your brain TO A LEVEL --- oh so profound...  Here, I sit a human upon the ground with my heart in hand and a big, big, frown...

DECEIT in a way...

There is no protection, all are exposed to manipulation and deception.

You can trust us until we no longer need you.  All here is bestowed to swine and dog.  Nothing has been left sacred from the covetous greed that has drowned the heart of understanding.  It will be stolen for trampling under the guise of borrowing and sampling; just to fatten the soullessness of the borrower.

I've noticed your conniving ways indeed.  Go ahead and continue to make a rich life upon that which does not belong to you...

13 Statements from THE B3AUTIFUL DARK...


To desire love, yet continually strive for hate...


It is a strange thing to long for peace, yet continually desire after misery...


Not much money is being made these days, yet plans are drawn to determine how much...


If your Muse is a human being and you choose to keep it a secret, it's then called stealing; just so you're aware of that you sneaky person you...  If your Muse is a living person perhaps you should acknowledge that and ask them if they need anything from you instead of just hiding the fact and continually stealing from the work they've done...   You know that kind of stuff doesn't go unnoticed...

DRuGS of The WOrlD 

Perhaps the world is being ran by addiction causing drug dealers in many ways beyond the typical definition of addictive drugs...  What does that even mean?  Perhaps we should ask those who prey upon the senses in order to make an addict...

pROBlEMs AND soLUTions

You should change this because...take your pick:

a. I need to embarrass you to make a sell

b. I need to make your self-esteem low so I can make a sell

c. I need you to have a problem so I can make a sell

You should change that because.......take your pick:

a. I need to raise your self-esteem to make a sell

b. I need  to create a problem in you to sell you a solution

c. I am here to help you so that I can make a sell

So, who's that out there creatin' problems (Others like to sell problems, too) to sell the solutions?  Did you do that, too?  Is that human economics --- make problems on problems and sell the solutions on solutionsWhat happens when you make the problem too big that no one can sell the solution?  Is that somethin' where you start prayin' and askin' for help?  Or, do you just say, oh well?  Or, do you just keep on going in circles pretending there's no problem at all?


"The first one's free..."

Remember these terms of service - anything good will be stolen and the thief will suffer... 

A Dream Life, Huh?

What good is living a dream life if such a dream is built on lies, treachery, theft, slavery, swindling, backstabbing, and many other forms of trauma inducing activitiesSounds to me like the dream is built upon a nightmare.  Then again, what do I know for I am a wee little one that dares not see how one's dream is built and sustained...

May I suggest asking yourself by saying "self" did we really build this dream from the work of our hands or did we build this dream through theft and slavery?  I imagine that building such a dream life using those two ingredients is akin to building a sand castle.  It is best to remember that lies are not a good source of mortar to hold the bricks together...


Our plantation needs those sl.... I mean workers and because of the gig economy we can't get richer and make our dreams come true...  We've got to do something to stop our sl.... I mean workers from becoming flexible gig workers.  Those sl.... I mean workers mustn't become independent because then we can't get filthy rich like we used to when they were on our plantations.  

AND SO THE NATURE OF WORK CONTINUES TO BE A TIMELESS TALE OF MOVING FROM ONE PLANTATION TO THE OTHER.  The GIG never really sought to free the slave from the plantation as much as it sought to see how much it could trick the slave into believing in the independence of performing such gig work...  Such a belief in independent gig work would lead the slave to work harder for freedom because of the idea of the slave believing the work done is for the freeing of the self.  But as we can see now, the work done is just on a different plantation in a different form, and the slave truly finds that the idea of getting ahead is nothing more than a mirage meant to drive the spirit to push the body to turn the hamster wheel faster for the profits of just another run of the mill plantation.  

My guess is that all such gig work demonstrated was the mere leaping from one plantation to another; the end result still being the same - making someone else richer at the expense of one's own freedom...  As one can see, no self-respecting plantation owner wants to pay for its slaves.  After all, making a slave pay for their own medical, dental, and any other forms of living expenses tied to the plantation would be the worthwhile endeavor of any astute plantation owner...  But, but, but we all have ownership of the plantation says the shareholder and worker; do you really?  I mean you should ask yourselves Mr., Mrs., Ms. and all the other varying forms of self proclaimed genderless species - do you have ownership, or do you just believe you do?

BESIDES, Wasn't the goal of the dream to work because you felt like it not because you were forced?  When, in the history of mankind, did we trade freedom for slavery to our own devices become a thing?  Was it at the buy, sell, and trade point of life or was it always there?  Was it our desire for stuff that lead to the enslavement of life, or was it our desire for freedom that lead to the enslavement of life?

WELL, I suppose as long as one strives for a dream life derived from the work of others, then there will always be some form of enslavement taking place to foot the bill for such a dream...

WORK =  feeling like you're moving something from here to there, vice versa

FREEDOM= feeling like you're moving

SLAVERY= feeling like you can't move


FUNNY TO SEE HOW THROUGHOUT HISTORY, plantations (businesses if you will) have spent considerable amount of time trying to turn humans into machines in order to get the work done for the profits and wealth they wanted to make for their dream lives.

WHAT'S EVEN MORE FUNNY IS SEEING the very plantations (businesses if you will), who sought to stamp out humanity for machine-like work towards profit and wealth, try to turn machines into humans.

Perhaps, humans should be humans and well --- machines should be machines.  However, should the tearing down of order be the spice for one's life; just be prepared to experience more of the unintended consequences of disregarding the order of things...  

I suppose it's all chaos until you get used to it, but then again --- what if you don't get used to the new order and you can't go back?   What then does this reality become?  What then is this reality called?  I suppose if it's all just a simulation then no harm no foul --- the lesson is learnedHowever, if this reality is the true reality, then that's a whole nuther puppy heheheh.

BUT YOU KNOW --- when I think about it --- AT THE END OF THE NIGHT, IF THE CREATOR WANTS TO REARRANGE THE FURNITURE IN THE HOME THEN THAT'S WHAT THE CREATOR WILL DO...  I suppose the way I see it, is that if you like to rearrange the things that makes you - you, I suppose it's only right that THE CREATOR can rearrange whatever, too...

Value / Jealousy, May I Speak On It?

To understand the value of a single blade of grass, you must understand the concept of total emptiness.  Now, you can truly see how worthless money is...

If I may add, it is now seen that the worth you garner is through the jealousy you desperately try to inflict upon the masses.  To that end, I see the value you derive from the lust you nurture to present and the anger you seek to instill from the lack of satisfaction, thereof.  So many more of these afflictions have been asserted upon the mind to incite a desire for a misguided value upon that which undermines true life...

Nevertheless, from outta know where of mind, may I suggest to stop using The People to make yourselves callous... To understand misguided value and jealousy is to understand the way of Cain.

Hey now, don't ask me what it means; I just write it.


I suppose the trouble with abortion is not so much of it being a right or not a right.  Abortion is a warning sign - it is a warning sign for a life sustaining civilization.  Abortion shows how much a civilization is failing so far in its attempt to bring about stability for humanity.  Abortion shows how much a civilization is failing at the principles of lifeIt shows how much a civilization has been corrupted by the selfish ways of its citizens; from rapes, to a throw-away-life culture, to a shirk responsibility mindset, and to many other examples of corruption leading to a desire to abort life.  Abortion reveals the failure of relationships between men and women in general.  It reveals the lack of trust in the systems in place which are supposed to support life.  Abortion, in some aspects, demonstrates the overindulgence in pleasure opposed to the indulgence of appreciating life At the end of the night, there is plenty of blame to go around for the fact that there is a desire to want to abort life that has manifested itself in the minds of humanity... 

May it be known that these words are not from the one of accusation, but from the accused.  These words are spoken from the rot and corruption of one who understands the temptation to abort.  For these words are not to point a finger to say how dare you, but to say recognize the signs demonstrating that a life sustaining civilization is developing cracks and decay which are seizing hold of the foundations.

Perhaps the same can be said for suicides, as well...

EdgY, yOu SAy?

The old term adopted by the new sillies to say the least.  I see you out there practicing those insults to get the pulse going again.


The promise of better jobs to be better slaves

The promise of better tools to be better slaves

The promise of higher pay to be happier slaves

The promise of ownership to motivate the slaves

So many promises made to those who believe themselves to not be slaves, as you continue looking for new ways for them to fatten your own swine...  You know lots of slaves wanna get off the hamster wheel you made for them, but they just don't know how...  Perhaps, it is possible that in these circumstances death is presented as merciful...  I suppose it'll be real troubling at the point for when, "...in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."

An old wise lady said, "you know if you working you a slave."  


Plagues and Scourge Upon the Earth...

Sometimes, when I look at all that me eyes can see that be goings on around here on Earth, I can't help, but wonder --- are the plagues and scourge upon the Earth punishment for some of the heinous things that are taking place here by the hands of people who will not stop doing the terrible things they're doing?  Or, is they just some randomly, naturally occurring events that just be going on by chance that is causing plagues and pains? 

Nevertheless, I wanna be mad at these plagues and horrible things happening here on Earth, but somehow I'm not so sure I should be mad.  Simply because, this could very well be Divine Retribution being carried out for the terrible things that are being done here on Earth.  In that case, what more can I really say?  Except to say to the righteous ones; for I am sorry for the offenses committed against You.

I can only imagine that if they heinousness doesn't stop, then the scourge will continue --- If, of course, that heinousness be the true circumstance behind this suffering here on the Earth...  I suppose what's really disheartening to see is that even amidst a plague, whether man made or naturally occurring, the murders, the thefts, and most of the generally despicable crimes have returned back to the "business as usual" status.

But then again, what do I know?  For I'm just some edgy fella with no real sense about much of anything these days...


Competing dreams within a dream upon a dream within a dream... 

The order of these are no longer remembered, but the light of Yeshua (as the new name has no meaning in such a void) shines and sends the creature (who brings immense sense and wonders) back to a place on the rock in the void; for there was a sliver of a reason found within the spirit as to why it was better to trust such a light that shone through the void upon the rock.  The bear running around the house chasing the spiritThe three meteors hit the spirit; the emeralds of red, blue, green, and yellow glimmer on the distant planet.  The star on the black and white pulling the spirit over.  The green snake staring at the face strikes without warning (For you have been a liar from the beginning the spirit says as it grabs the snake by the neck), the white snake bites repeatedly, the red snake licks the toes while dragging the spirit below.  The fearful creature with no eyes and many fangs desperate to attack the woman.  The woman laying on her side feeling the creature's menacing presence.  The powerful force that holds the creature at bay is felt, but not seen.  The feelings of both ravenous creature and trembling victim are felt all at once.  The cliffs that stretch for more than 200 miles high with such human like beings enjoying the entertainment of jumping from the cliffs with their wingsuit like gear.  This one drove many enslaved to roll around like wheels as they were eating themselves.  Many were following and desperately trying to cling to this dragon as many were falling from it.   Swarms of people in the darkness of this place.  The soul and some other souls were kicking a ball as the frenzy was taking place.  The soul walks through the dark with a lantern in hand, smiling while looking around as the little creatures scatter for whatever reasons they scatter.   Perhaps trying to hide from the soul that walks through the darkness with lantern in hand.  A run through this dungeon with some other souls, a soul finds the place where a blue dragon is chained.  There was a fella in green robes at the altar stating to the others who were dressed in wild and crazy attire to, "go and sin no more."  Those from the distant land do not understand what it means to go an sin no more.  

There be so many more, but these be just a few for memories of the times dying while sleeping...

Riches, Displacement, and Guilt

It's interesting to see how trying to amass wealth and riches causes displacement, misery, and suffering elsewhere on good ole Earth.  It's as if a design was in place to offset one's ability to amass such wealth and riches.  I imagine the pain of the attempt at amassing wealth and riches through lies, manipulation, and greed must be immense on one's conscience; unless of course, that one has allowed the conscience to be removed.

At that point, I imagine the real pain most likely kicks in.  I suppose that is when the hell of the mind and the weeping of existence is made true.  My guess is there's a reason for the feeling of guilt.  Guilt, I suppose, is there to act as a deterrent to keep one from further descending into emptiness, ruin, and outright, utter despair...  Sadly, if you no longer feel guilty about the heinous things you do to amass wealth and riches, then how would you be any different from the machines you make with your hands?  I suppose it makes sense that the Good Spirit will be removed from this place because after all, many of you have decided that you do not want it here because you'd rather show each other how much stuff you got as oppose to enjoying the warmth of life, love, and compassion.

I guess it makes me wonder why the Son of God said, "...That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven..." and "...It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."  

Then again, what do I know for I am a little biddy peasant in a rich man's kingdom...  Nevertheless, I suppose these days women and other imaginary genders are getting in on the act of riches, too...  Perhaps it's time for all to start receiving their marks for such a job well done on serving mammon above all else...

A Yardstick Used for Sells

However, once used tis left to scavenge around or rot.  So much data collected and so much life lead to ruin once it was figured out that the data did not yield the desired profits.  Eyes seemingly always forward to seek out the next profit while disregarding the trail of tears left in wake of such a path.  Perhaps, it was such tears that drowned the previous lot that chose corruption and wickedness exceedingly over The Creator's majestic design for life upon the Earth and the propagation of it; a great lamentation that only The Creator knows the depths of such a feeling.  Perhaps this time around we remember to show appreciation for such a majestic design before we tear it apart for the sake of look what we can do's and vain attempts to monetarily insulate ourselves from imagined calamities... For this reality has shown that there is no amount of money that can be kept from erosion or chiseled away from the thieving hands of this world...


Are you really getting ahead if all you're doing is eating your own body?  Perhaps you should take care of your body rather than continue to believe you are going to get ahead and become wealthy by consuming yourself...

The delusion of mind has convinced you that your rotting feet are a throne for you to sit upon.  Perhaps, you should get off your imaginary throne and take care of the feet that help to make you, you.  Nevertheless, if you enjoy the misery and suffering then by all means continue to enjoy the rotting feet you sit upon.  But understand that the head will eventually come to rot as the feet have.  Perhaps there is no heart which is in turn leading to such delusion of mind.  Well, best to hurry and stop the rot lest the body become nothing more than petrified wood for a mystical garden in The B3autiful Dark...


Too much of either burdens the freedom within Existence...

"SPECIAL" Interest

I suppose the trouble with "special" interest is once it becomes "special" it tends to become one-sided in its efficacy.  Once an interest is deemed special it then sees its pride become the forefront of its existence and seeks to admonish all others outside of its "special" interest.  How's that for a "special edgy" statement?

I've seen (I guess read) many "special" interests exalting themselves throughout history, and many more sitting in the shadows just itching and yearning to do the same things as those "special" ones that have gone before.  At the end of the night, the result was just more tears, more misery, more injustice, more pride, more arguing, more fighting, more this, and more that.  Mainly, it was more of the same which is; more people letting pride consume their hearts and minds to a point where those new (but really old) "special" souls deemed it necessary to call others fools, subhuman, and many other derogatory terms.  Such insulting terms that "special" people use, while seeking to justify the "special" title that they have adorned themselves in order to exalt themselves above all the others that they feverishly demean.  It reminds me of the time that a lot thought itself and its interests were so "special" that it sought to murder and destroy every other lot on the block.

SO WHO and what are these "special" interests you ask?  Well, I can think of a few, but I'm sure you can think of so much more...  Let's start with a few powers --- let's see we got blue power, brown power, white power, pink power, purple power, black power, green power, yellow power, red power, mixed power, and last but in no way least the whole color spectrum power.  I guess at the end of the night, if you have a lot of pride then you must be a "special" interest too.  Just remember that a most wise old man once said, "pride go before a fall" or something like that.  Anyhow, let's be sure to strive to not be so prideful lest we start doing some truly damnable, irrevocable things...


Was all that water, food, and shelter provided so that we could continue fighting each other?

Was all that water, food, and shelter provided so that we could continue murdering each other?

Was all that water, food, and shelter provided so that we could continue stealing from each other?

Was all that water, food, and shelter provided so that we could call each other subhuman?

Was all that water, food, and shelter provided so that we could continue doing damnable things to each other?

Was all that water, food, and shelter provided so that we could continue doing heinous things to each other?

Was all that water, food, and shelter provided so that you could try to make a mockery of the Creator? 

You stand in pride and defiance always until you have no food, water, or shelter.  Perhaps, more thank you and a little less pride and a little less haughty defiance is in order lest it all be taken away to a point where shame, humiliation, and utter embarrassment present itself through hideous acts of desperation. 

That being said, allow me to be one of perhaps a few that say thank You, for the water, food, and shelter.  My apologies indeed, for the pride and haughtiness that has consumed me at times...


Here on good ole Earth, the desire for pleasure is so strong that it moderately, sometimes significantly, breaks down the most important of orders.

Understandably so...


It is said that ignorance of the law is no excuse.

I can only imagine what would've happened if the Son would've said such a thing near the very end of His physical life here.  I mean, instead of saying "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."  what if the Son said something like, "time to burn it all"?  

My guess is that it's better to go with a little bit of patience rather than just smiting the ignorant.  Oh wait, I am the ignorant; I live in a world where in order to live I have to destroy, and to not know any other way around that reality --- is in my feelings...pure ignorance...

Nevertheless, with regard to ignorance of the law, I'd say that perhaps it's best to determine if there is true ignorance of the law before striking the hammer of justice upon the ignorant, lest the ignorant maliciously turn against you in ignorance...

Dear Researcher,

New life is not bestowed upon you so that you can test new theories or experiment in order to gain money and prestige.  It is not there for you to advance the world with your misguided ideas about how a system should operate; just so you know "researcher".


It does require a considerable amount of effort to stave off the anger that results from such mockeries.  To ease the pain of such mockeries, it helps to see the mockeries made as opposed to the one's received...


I have all the right answers, but you don't have all the right questions --- this plus the vice versa of this...


I turn my face to the void beyond the prison void and scream...  It is no easy feeling to watch someone foot the bill for your transgressions.  Perhaps, that is why you seek to destroy the conscience...  There is a spiritual tragedy well beyond the human tragedy...


When you dream, it is all in your head...  This time I dream alone... A B3autiful Dark Dream...  Just remember it was you who forced me to dream alone because I was not important to you... ....  

Once your world crumbles, you will understand why...  At the end of the night, you will understand that it was all just a dream from Me to you...  The orange glow over the dark clouds in the distance as the two frantically scurried through the desert running from what it was they were running from...

Always, Never, and Forever

Words not best suited for those who die and those who do not know the future...  Perhaps it's best to listen to good ole James on the matter, and do your best to stop speaking in absolutes.

Happiness - life is good - don't worry...

Blissfully ignorant with a purposely killed conscience and no regard for those dwelling in misery and suffering to pay for your "happiness".

After all, it's not your fault that people are stupid and don't know how to live or survive.  It's not like they weren't given any "opportunities".  It's not like they were purposely poisoned or anything.  It's not like they were purposely mislead.  It's not like they were deceived.  It's not like they were corralled into ghettos and pumped full of drugs.  It's not like they were excessively tempted into debt.  It's not like they didn't have a choice.  No one told them to make the bad choices they made.  No one told them to have broken homes and broken communities.  No one made their homes and communities broken, but themselves.  

They did it to themselves because you know they just wanted to have fun and not be responsible.  Yeah they should stop playing victims and be happy because we all got problems.  They should make better choices and stop complaining about how unfair it is that they get manipulated and tempted into things they really don't want or need.  They should just shut up and keep buying stuff and keep us rich and wealthy.   They also need to learn to be happy in their misery because after all it's their own fault that they are stupid and don't know any better... 

You know if only they would have worked a little harder, spent a little more time at work, saved a little more money, understood budgeting better instead of partying, being addicts, finding ways to kill the pain, and trying out all the other "remedies" their little minds could come up with to stop the problems that were manipulated upon them --- then, they would be a little happier and stop whining and crying all the time because they don't have anything to show for their miserable lives...  But hey, don't worry about them because it's their fault they didn't take advantage of the "opportunities" that were afforded to them...

That said; please by all means continue to be happy in watching those poor ignorant "idiots" continue to foot the bill for "happiness" with their slavery and suffering.

One day, I'll be happy, but until then --- my apologies to you, Old Timer, for such ignorance and stupidity...

The Future

A future known that is tied to a reality built on if this, then this or if that, then that is fixed, and all choice is nothing more than destiny that has yet to arrive at the known future point...

Therefore, ask yourself do you really want to know the future blind, deaf, and dumb man?

Here, the beginning, middle, and end.  There is no past, present, or future with I Am.  However, if we are from I Am then we are living books with a past, present, and future and a beginning, middle, and end.  Therefore, I be a soul's journal from the book of I Am...

A known future?  Then it be nothing more than gears (seemingly infinite) of reality turning to construct that point of the known future.

I Am is future, present, and past with no end, middle, or beginning...

The Living Books

Some peaceful, some scary, some funny, some sad, some happy, some mad, some this, and some that...  Intertwine they do, until the pleasure of reading is through...  Some books override others and some yield to others.  Some books are lies beyond lies and some are half truths with missing words; other books have little to no words.  Some books are missing pages, some books burned, some books frozen, some books cook, some books clean, come books are nice, some books are mean.  At the end of the night, all books are seen...

The Living Word is that of I am from all things are brought into Existence; without I Am nothing is, was, or will ever be.  Without Imagination nothing is, was, or will be.  The living books have an order to their own orders, but depend on the order of orders to perceive their realities within The Reality...


Overrides any known construct.  Overrides any known future.  Overrides any known reality.  Overrides all that is held to be true or false.  Overrides decrees.  Overrides all "established" facts.  Overrides nothing.  Overrides something.  Overrides everything.  Overrides existence.  Overrides all laws of physics.  Overrides senses.  

Did you really want to know and understand God?  Well, now you do...

Now, you ask yourself what then should be the order of imaginations within ImaginationLook at your constructs.  Look at your truth.  Look at your false.  Look at your known.  Look at your unknown.  Look at your realities.  Look from within.  Look from without.  Look and see that which you'd like to exist upon.  Look from beginning, middle, to end and the vice versa of this.  Look from no past, present, or future and the vice versa of this...

Imagination allows those who want something to do to have something to do, and those who want nothing to do to have nothing to do.

Now, you know this; you know the future of the living books within The Imagination's order of The Reality...

The Reality

Ordered imaginations from Imagination...

A Choice...

And so from the future, a living scroll from a living book, out of The Imagination of The Reality chooses peace from Peace...

And therefore, I say too; Peace be with you...


Is relative to the observer...  As long as there's money to be made, perfection will most likely be hiding deep in the Foggy Mental Forest of Infinity.

Your mind holds the key to perfection; it's there whenever you're ready to unlock it.

All you have to do is use your imagination and just say these words to get started: it's perfect to me.  

However, if you're not satisfied with those words on how to obtain perfection then check out the block below this one to guide you in your understanding of perfection...  Oh yeah, and just because there's order does not mean there's perfection; unless of course, you see it that way.

To know what true perfection is, not existing is a nice little idea...


Is relative to the observer...  As long as there's a desire for more, satisfaction will most likely be hiding deep in the Foggy Mental Forest of Infinity.

May I suggest thanking the God of all Existence for the concept of infinity; that way you can scurry along until you find satisfaction sitting with perfection...

Once you find them --- tell 'em I said hello!!!

The Perfection of Satisfaction

At the end of the day, 0 plus Infinity = 2

The Satisfaction of Perfection

At the end of night, 1 plus nothing = something


Basically, it took numerous accusatory sentiments to arrive at this thought.

The tragedy is that being steeped in the ignorance of actions and memories definitely blinds the mind's eye.  Because of this blindness, the imagination runs wild into a place of anger, fear, and mistrust...

The accusatory statements flow because of the heightened emotions with the insufficient knowledge and wisdom.  An easy thing to say is to do one's best to be slow to anger, but the practice thereof is a trying endeavor indeed.  Another easy thing to say is to shut up; however, it is through speaking and analyzing the ignorance of one's statements that a nugget of wisdom can be found.

One tragedy of humanity is to hurl accusations out of fits of emotional rage which lead to further madness in the form of violence.  I suppose a question to be asked is what happened in existence that would even lead to such occurrences?


Is like a wild bear in a house.  As the eye starts to regain sight, some apologies are afforded to the owner of the house indeed.

However, should the wild bear be the owner of the house; then what apology need be afforded other than the misery of having to rebuild...

Characters, The Piano and The Saxophone of The Orchestra

The letter to the composer:

If I may add my 2 cents in all of this, I would say that watching this show was like watching life from one universe occur differently in another universe.  Basically, I would have preferred that they would have stayed in the previous universe.  I mean there should not have been any story lines that were plagiarized from the previous universe into the other universe.  It was like going to a composer's musical notes and making what was meant to be an angry and agitated sound into a sweet lullaby.  I find such attempts to alter the intent of the notes of others to be insulting, but that's me. 

Now for my confounding $2 dollar bills I would like to add an analogy I feel I can use to further explain why I feel this second life failed the older generation of viewers such as myself.  The analogy is that of treating characters as musical instruments and then using the characters (musical instruments) to make music.  I say don't change the characters or musical instrument's intended designs.  For instance, pianos are meant to be pianos and saxophones are meant to be saxophones.  They each make their own distinct sounds.  To try and play a piano like you would a saxophone would result in a lessoning of the style of music that can be created. 

For example, can you imagine picking up a piano and trying to hold it to your mouth so that you could try to make music with it?  Just isn't going to work.  Instead, sitting down on a chair or bench in front of the piano allows you to be in a position to bring out the music.  The same for a Saxophone; you wouldn't want to sit down on a bench with a saxophone and try to make the music.  You wanna be able to stand so you can get the maximum use of your lungs and midsection.

In a nutshell, I'm basically saying that if any other characters are musical instruments to the orchestral show and were already used to make a particular style of music in the orchestral show; then please by all means keep them as the musical instruments they were meant to be.  Please don't turn them into anything other than what they are.  Otherwise, you're going to make a sound so different that no one will be able to recognize it.  The old listeners want to hear the musical instruments as they were designed to be.

At the end of the night, it is my hope that the human race does not become another instance where the pianos are played like tubas and the oboes are played like violins because that will result in nothing but disharmony.  The end result, is not much more than listeners desperately trying to get acclimated to such an incoherent sound; naturally, it will end up with them all pretending that the music sounds good...

To add to all of this, I dare say disharmony is found more often by old eyes and old ears that witness the characters of old bodies altered into different ones.  This is because the character no longer matches the geometry.  Also, I dare say that harmony is more often found with new eyes and new ears witnessing the different characters of old bodies.  This is because of the ignorance of the old character that matched the old geometry...  

I know you are trying to make a new sound for a new generation using the same old bodies, but sadly --- as it is with most transitional periods --- those who know the past and present suffer the most pains of such desired transitions...  Nevertheless, I do not own the world and therefore it is yours to do as you may, but please don't be mad if the audience doesn't like the music you're making.  And please don't force them to listen to it on account of your pride...

Humans used like machines and machines used like humans.  Also, males used like females and females used like males.  Such disharmony I hear indeed...  Just try to remember as you make your music --- a piano is not a saxophone...  Unless of course your imagination says it is...


My guess is many people don't like change.  An example is that if you're always sad, people expect you to always be sad because you being sad seems to fit you in their eyes.  However, if you become happy then it takes people time to get used to it.  Some might even actually miss and want the sad you back because they stood to benefit from your sad character...  The vice versa of this with any other ingrained character attribute. 


At the end of the night, should my feelings be wrong about any of these nonsensical things I say with regard to who’s stealing and about the ways of the world, etc.; may I accept that and not harbor ill will.  Should they be found to be true; then may my soul have the power of Good to forgive the thief.  Because at the end of the night, all the wrongs that have been done amount to nothing more than the act of stealing.  And finally, may my soul go beyond the pride of my desire to be right in matters beyond my knowledge and understanding.  For all I say, is nonsensical and not much more.  This here be not much more than feeling around in the dark corridors of my own mind trying to trust the wisdom of Eternity… 


I don’t feel humans weren't meant to do machine work regardless of how motivated you try to manipulate them into becoming.  Humans were beaten, rewarded, and tricked into slave labor throughout history.  The end result being, one failed civilization after another.


Now, I can see the tempering of a population if said population were to go on living, but to have the population die and not much of anything be carried over is just suffering for naught.  My guess is the Son of God doesn't temper through hate your neighbor, hate your enemy, and/or eye for an eye methods.  Perhaps the best way to temper a population for living forever is through compassion, regard, charity, and trust.  What population deserves to live forever if it is nothing more than a band full of liars, destroyers, swindlers, uncaring, unforgiving, unmerciful, treacherous, and/or engages in every conceivable heinous tactic and strategy just to "win at all costs"?  Then again, perhaps it is just that very population, which does such terrible things, that will continue to live forever in its own misery until a golden lesson is learned...

Compassion, Charity, and the Robot

Look up the first two, and now that the third is almost here in full force; you will need to understand what the first two truly mean with regard to humanity.  Lest of course, humanity be abandoned on account of an insatiable desire for power, profit, and pride in the work of one's own hands...

It may be easy to say that the robots will just do all the work, and I will reap all the profits and leave the rest to fend for themselves with the little that is leftover; or they can simply just die.  However, you must ask yourself?  Self, who is going to buy my products and make me rich when there is no one left to consume what I produce?

Perhaps, that is why the Son of God said what he said and did what he did --- the advances in life and tech are happening rapidly; best to take heed of the golden rules indeed...

The Iron and Clay...

Perhaps Nebuchadnezzar has some very important things to say with regard to what "Belteshazzar" was told to inform him about a certain dream.  

Wonder why they keep talking about cybernetics these days?  I suppose there's a cloud somewhere near the feet of that statue in the dream indicating that it might be raining cyborgs soon...  Nevertheless, my blind, deaf, and dumb guess on the matter is that the Good ole Stone will solve any of the arrogant issues that come about from the ones who bring in the iron and clay.  Perhaps doubling down and believing in the power of the mighty works of one's own hands is what makes a cause for advisement on why such beliefs are a childish stance of defiance against the Creator of Existence. 

I'd say at the end of the night it is probably better to seek mercy and forgiveness than to double down on hatred and animosity.  Nevertheless, utter loneliness is the goal of some in this matter of being...


Is that why they wanted to know about it so much?  So they can cross a few wires and add a lot more iron to the mix?  Yeah, I guess there wouldn't be much traveling around in space inside a big jar of clay and no iron to offset the vacuum.  Hmm don't suppose they'll be able to walk on the moon without a suit do you?  Well, give it time and they'll figure it out.  Especially, with that meta reality thing they got goin on.  Don't suppose they'll fight over the gas giants do you?  Well, we'll see how it is --- when the rich get richer and like to show off those shiny new toys as the real life suffers in wake of such competition and pageantry.  All that from messin around with DNA?  Yeah, because why not?


It wasn't that this talent was hidden on purpose as much as it was rejected...  Sometimes when those greedy souls can't make a buck off of a talent; they deem it worthless...  Ah well, the good news is that the Creator is not a clapping seal to boost one's ego...  True I feel that too, but what do you do for the One who has everything?  

Well, I for one am trying to make the beautiful music of my soul?  What about you; have you given up so easily for the sake of a boosted ego so that you can feel as if you are somebody?  Here, such a pressing feeling upon the soul for so long.  Nevertheless, Old Timer, I still stand by what I have been trying to do for You all these living years of mine.  Therefore, I try my best not to be so envious and jealous.  And still more, I try not to judge the journeys of others because I do not understand those shoes they use along the way.


Sometimes finding constructive stuff for the members to do can be monotonous --- difficult at best.  Therefore, how must one have an organization steeped in peace and still be able to provide for meaningful membership?  I suppose building things without destroying things may be of a great challenge to such an organization.  So, now you have a challenge (since so many of you just love a challenge), and that challenge is for you to figure out how to build things without destroying things...

Sadly, on the other hand it's all too easy to destroy than to build; some in those organizations end up miserable and bored because there's nothing left to destroy.  I suppose there was a partnership worked out long ago so that both organizations could have something to do.  

I guess another challenge to be addressed would be how to not get miserable and bored when there's nothing to do.  What lot be out there that is best suited to guide the minds on meeting this challenge?


That time when no one could see you.  Now, you know "they" see you.  Sometimes for the feeling of freedom you put the hands over the brain.  Now, you know "they" can still see you.


It is in this honesty, that I tell you how difficult it is for me to do that which I wanted to do for You.  And after all these years, I still feel the selfish ambition seething within the fabric of my being...  At the end of the night, it makes sense as to this dejection that grips me...  One hand removed...


The hardest part about selling is knowing true value is lost once a price is attached...  Dare I say that true value is not sold, but it is given...  So, what is this number we affix to ourselves so that we may sell ourselves to the highest bidder (some cases the lowest)?

There - in the act of selling - lies the confusion, manipulation, and arbitrary discussions about what is valuable.  Then, the lies, the backbiting, the backstabbing, the thefts, the treacheries, and all the other feelings of being slighted manifest within the heart.  Such feelings cause one to seek recompense from those who deceive.  The deceivers render such deception on account of an imaginary number that was conjured up in order to take power from those who don't know they have it.

And now, here we are about to murder each other on account of not understanding the meaning of true value...


Have you realized yet that when the money runs out the love runs out with it?  Perhaps those who were with you when you had very little may be able to help you remember what matters most.  May I suggest asking them why they were with you when you had very little to offer in the way of material gain.  Nevertheless, it is advised to be mindful of those who are seeking to invest in you when you have very little; it is there that the treachery can be found.  For they know how to spot diamonds in the rough, and are only there for a diamond and not you.  Perhaps that is why you keep your treasures in heart and don't sell them to swine and dog because they will leave you amidst the fog.  Therefore, to trust in God above those involved in money and all of its trappings is best.

aTHEist “a person who does not believe in the existence of a god or any gods,” according to Merriam-Webster. 

Why even waste your time trying to live amidst the suffering?  Probably, best to check out as soon as conveniently possible than spend another waking moment striving in a meaningless reality that you are trying to make meaningful.  After all, there is nothing for you to be beholden to in a life of suffering for mere sugar granulates...  Why let anyone lord it over you --- do as you please for that matter?  Why conform to any standard of living for it matters not in the end?  Why even bother trying to survive for it matters not in the end?

Nevertheless, if it be your choice to continue living in suffering then by all means continue to do so; however, just let it sink into your sentiments of there is no God and there is no point --- that it matters not whether you live or die.  For there is nothing beyond your own hands; stop yourself from dying for you are God.  Live your life as you please; don't submit yourself to the rules of physics for there is no point in abiding by them.  You are God; change the laws to obey your desires.  Conform the reality to your liking because after all you exist for no real reason and all things bend to your desires... 

Put your sentiments to the test since there is no God --- use your knowledge and create existence for all things to abide under.  For if many TRULY, TRULY, TRULY believed as you - reasoning would suggest that many would not bother existing.  Be sure to tell your higher self --- which depends on the Creator to exist --- hello...  

Here is an observation from the Heart of Paradox that will help you to not feel so alone in your sentiments and for you to realize you are in Good company.  The only true Atheist is God The Creator of Existence --- for there is no Creator beyond the Creator.  What point is there for the Creator of Existence to believe in anything beyond, as all things spring from the Creator of Existence?  Since you did not create yourself and you just happened to be from a womb some point ago - it is befitting for you to address that concern before delving into the sentiment of there is no God...

The Big Bang only explains some gears at best.  Pity to be so captivated by such a thought so as to use it to deny the existence of the Creator of Existence.

Good ole King Solomon said it best, "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God."

The Wild Beast

The wild beast cries because he is giving his crown before the Son...

The wild beast cries because he longs for glory of the works of his hands...

The wild beast cries because he realizes he was born with a belly button...

Now, he knows nothing is his... nothing.  And the pain of desire burns him within... 

Upon ages of wisdom and understanding the human body is not what we see now, for this state is but the corrupted form in all its sorrows.  The true glory of the majestic design of the Creator of existence, remains to be seen.  Therefore, why should the corrupted be allowed to inhabit the true form?

For all they would do is scoff and remark at how they cannot do all the things they want to do that will taint such a creation.  Therefore, I say let them be with nothing more than a basic version of such a glorious design of the Creator... 

A Truth in Detail...

The star of the vastness in the abyss.  It is nothing more than basic trying to take on the abyss...  In the end --- it fails, as all others.  Let truth be known that with God there is no dwindling of the Eternal warmth.  Therefore, do not delight in the majestic warmth and light upon the sun --- for it too will fail in the pit of darkness...

A truth in detail, was slipped to you who treaded upon death eternal...

BiTTER Sayings

So much to be said about existing, but my lack of faith shows why nothing ought to be said by me.  Here, I have demonstrated nothing more than one man's lack of trust in the Son of God and the promises that were made by a Soul that was faithful and true to Him who sits upon the Throne of Existence.  

For at the end of the time it is He, the Eternal one of all Creation, who I strive in my deepest sincerity to show that I am beyond His Existences.  Of which, I dare make some sound of my reality...  Therefore, it be before all that is nothing more than a mirage living that I make these sounds known to be as music...

In all my hatred, I watch you who dare copy and thieve for your own personal glory and gain before my mind of illusion and delusion.  True, I see you make your music serving yourself to the fullest.  I am aware, full well, that I have dwelt in my suppression and rejection.  I have tasted the bitter pain and utter loneliness and rejection that comes with such isolation of mind; knowing, that I have not made the music for a corrupted wild beast.  Rather, I have made my music for the Eternal Creator of Existence (as my deepest intentions have been felt).  I have tried my damnedest to show the Creator that I made the most beautiful music of my meager existence for The Creator.   

In the end, the jealous rage of seeing you flaunt yourself before all creation is present, and it is with that knowledge of you doing so that I say, "good for you..."  As for me, I feel no joy, I feel tired; I feel alone.  I feel as if I have failed.  The only reason I feel I failed is because I sit here making music in silence while all of the money makers go forth and be known in all the world...  I ask myself, are they right?  Perhaps, I should strive to show the world that I am a wild beast who is remarkable.  

I should say to the world adore me and give me glory.  World of man, praise me for I am a music maker of the esteemed caliber.  I demand the world know me and the works of my hands.  I demand the world praise me for making such musik.  I demand the world of the Creator adore me with glory.  I demand they say to me that I am the one who pleases their minds with music.   I, in all my utter jealous rage and hatred towards all that steal from me and pretend they are adept, demand they respect and give me praise for the works of my hands.  I demand it, I desire it, I want it, and I dream of them doing so...  However... I say in all my bitterness...  

AND HERE IT IS IN MY SORROW AND SADNESS HAVING ASKED FOR ALL THESE FOOLISH THINGS...  Here, I say to You, Creator of all things and beings.  Here now, I say to You, Yeshua, Eternal Light who shown through me on that rock in the void, in all of the truth of my reality: With my other hand removed from my eye, I say I still feel the way that I do.  Despite my deepest desires of wanting to be adored, worshipped, praised, and esteemed by all others, I truly desire to make You the most beautiful music of my soul...

Therefore, let the spirit of righteousness ease the pain of my existence in this self-centered desire so that I may continue making the most beautiful music of my soul for the Creator of all Existence...  May my being no longer remember the jealousy and rage of not being adored by those esteemed for their ability to make money and riches --- by those of this corrupted world who say, "now that's music to my ears."  

May I always dwell in the solitude and silence of the true music that is made between my soul and You, Creator...  May my heart always delight in this Eternal connection of You and You alone...

Now, you ole wild beast, you know my heart, and you know now that I hate your ways and all that you have desired of me.  My spirit will starve you of your desires for riches and the fleeting glory from those who care not for the Truth of the Creator.  I declare unto you now that God, The Creator of Existence alone is the only one worthy of the sound of my soul...

Now, I have nothing more to say that is of any real meaning to me.  May I find solace in Your silence...

Here, the scroll be done for me...  (For this be my deception pondered...)

The White Shadow Along The Black Line...

to me, it is a fascinating thing to see the ones who have control over the fate of earth, go home after being s

 i suppose it took me around 12 to 13 minutes to clear the clouds around red rock using my finger to swirl the matter of material in the skies...

for i have lazily trusted you, but i have trusted you, nonetheless...

for i know what i ought do, but i know my devious hearts and what it wants to do...

are you sure you should be passing your responsibility onto a little bitty ignorant soul such as mine?

finger in the clouds...

nevertheless, it is not my will that be done here, but yours little one...

it's like watching willy wonka go home and play video games after making a major strategic decision at the chocolate factory...

for i am one who has control over nothing in being ...

as much as i would like to answer that, i did not create existence; therefore, cannot say what i would...i

yes, it exists...

the white shadow along the black line...

Sensing and Light Controllers (Nod to Star Wars)...

Now, that I think about it; there's a reason why faith is what it is.  At the end of the night, there is no real way for you to prove anything aside of faith...

That statement is for the deep analysis of one's reality.  Not for the immediate see with your eyes hear with your ears reality.


What is interesting about all of this is the fact that virtual reality as it advances in the ticks of time will become so difficult for one to distinguish reality from the virtual.  Especially, with the nature of how your nerves can control metallic prosthetics.  Basically, it goes back to the idea that light is penetrating and permeating around all things.  So, the only thing you really can trust is the nature of the light of The Creator which permeates all things real, virtual, and else-like because sensing is at the foundation of it all...  Whether you sense things in current reality, in dreams, or sense things in virtual reality; the fact is that you are sensing the dimensions and interactions that take place in all of these environments.

Computers do nothing more than steer light along specified pathways.  And all other arts do nothing more than steer light along specified pathways.  Chaos is nothing more than uncontrolled light.  However, limited knowledge would lead one to perceive that such uncontrolled light is chaos.  Therefore, I say there be keepers of light at various levels.  Unfortunately, the wills that be selfish use the light for harm.  In final thought, I believe the light to be (perhaps something more or nothing but) a tool; however the wielder be the one called into question of said use of tool.  And so as it is with all things that humankind use as tools --- they will either be used for selfish or unselfish purposes...  They will be used to glorify the self and others or oppress self and others.  Ultimately, The Creator of the light is worthy of true glory and honor above all wielders and users of the light...


I guess in all this thinking; I’ve done nothing more than just realize “The Force” (nod to Star Wars - George Lucas's thoughts on the matter) is real…

I knew there was a reason that I liked Star Wars --- just not so much the misery of "Wars".  I guess I just like the Stars...

John says,

"This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all."

Son of God says, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life"

The Creator says, "Let there be light"

Anyone else got something to say about light?

*In Light (pun intended) of all this don't go about misunderstanding what exactly is The B3autiful Dark...  Because you know The Creator called the darkness, Night, after all...

*At the end of the night, I believe it is safe to say that a wielder and user of the light should not confuse their wisdom, power, and understanding with that of The Creator of the Light and DarkLight.  My guess is that there truly is no comparison in scale lest The Creator wants to impart such understanding unto that being which have been made (if even so) separate of Him...

And therefore, I find myself to ask of the essence of separation yet again: am I me or am I You?  If I am me then I cannot be You; and likewise if You are I then I cannot be Me, but merely You in a different form.  And here we are asking: am I alone because You are alone, or am I not alone because I am me and You are You?  This then be the relationship of eternity in consciousness...  For my faith tells me I'm not alone, but my logic tells me that the state of everything is nothing and nothing is something, and that the awareness of the totality of everything and nothing --- is to be alone.  So, for the sake of not being alone; I yield my consciousness to faith in not being alone all while knowing the truth of the complete, existential, totality of the awareness of everything and nothing...

Well, now then; time to go make You some music, Old Timer...

On WEapons

Ask then, who be the one that would see weapons removed from the field --- God or a devil?

oN grIeF and loss

Yeah, but you know everyone has a justification for profiting off of their "grief" from someone else's real grief.  

Money from ratings, money from trinkets, money from stickers, some money from tears, some more money from sorrow, and a lot more money from tragedy.

You know who you are that profits from the misery of others --- only to tell the sufferers that money won't make them feel better. 

Sorry for their loss --- no, sorry for your loss.  And to humanity, sorry for our loss...

The Marginalized (no, not those groups) *This is a different kind of marginalized.

Some of us choose to remain marginalized so that we can continue to stroke and coddle your egos in order to make you feel important --- to make you feel like you're a somebody.

I mean how else are you supposed to hold your head high in confidence knowing you're a somebody if you don't get to look out across the spectrum and see a bunch of nobodies?  I suppose what I'm trying to say is Nobody is important to you because without them; you'd be just another aimless nobody somebody.

Therefore I say, nice to meet you, Nobody, thank you for making me somebody.  For I could not be a somebody without you, Nobody.  And that is how the marginalized are chosen in order to make some somebodies.


Okay let's see...  You either get family problems, time problems, health problems, money problems, or some combination of the like in order to make your life so much more enjoyable. 

And just in case you get any real hopes about things, remember you can't have it too good, because that's a fucking problem.  Even your ignorance of problems is a problem.  And by the way, the more problems you solve you  make more problems for you to solve.  You liking problems is a problem, too.  So, don't get any ideas about how you're going to insulate yourself from your problems because that's a damned problem, as well.

So now you know; you are the problems because you have to eat if you wanna live a few years longer...  So, where would you be if you didn't have to  eat or drink to live?  Would you still be slaving away for stupid shit?


Thinking...  Damned if you do, damned if you don't..

Eating...  Damned if you do, damned if you don't..

Drinking...  Damned if you do, damned if you don't..

Laughing... Damned if you do, damned if you don't..

Crying...  Damned if you do, damned if you don't..

Hearing...  Damned if you do, damned if you don't..

Seeing...  Damned if you do, damned if you don't..

Believing...  Damned if you do, damned if you don't..

Feeling...  Damned if you do, damned if you don't..

Hiding...  Damned if you do, damned if you don't..

Fighting...  Damned if you do, damned if you don't..

Doing something...  Damned if you do, damned if you don't..

Doing nothing...  Damned if you do, damned if you don't..

PERHAPS, I EXIST BECAUSE YOU EXIST (So, here's a new symbol for your Existence ..)

All that said...  Thank you for making sense of existence, Old Timer...  I suppose I'm almost ready to go hang out in The B3autiful Dark (I hope you like it, too.  I kind of know what it looks like, but the distortion and noise here is as you'd expect; plagued with outer jerks and inner jerks longing for company in a prison...)

The Best Candidates for Economic Systems are Smart, Self-Sufficient, and Capable of Running Things:

You say you want the people to be smart, but when they are you don't like it because it undermines your use of resources.

You say you want the people to be self-sufficient, but when they are you make it harder for them to be so.

You say you want the people to be managing and running things, but when they do what you want it takes from you and your ambitions.


So at the end of the night, you really don't want them to be smart, self-sufficient, and running things.


So don't make me laugh when you say you want people to get an education and make something of themselves.  You know that when they end up making something of themselves with their education it ends up ruining all of your goals and ambitions to shape the world how you want it...  At the end of the night, you only want them to; be smart enough to be productive slaves, be self-sufficient enough to keep from having to waste too much money on them, and only run things slightly well enough so that you can take from them while you leave them to suffer.  

That pretty much sums up the candidates you need to churn your economic systems.  You don't really want everyone starting businesses, you don't really want people having homes, and you definitely don't like it when people are content because you know you can't really make much money off of the economic slavery you've trapped them under.


And because of this enslavement, death is the only real doorway to freedom from your disease of slavery...  Perhaps that's why you so desperately want people to live, so that you can continue to enslave each and every generation born into this world...

And if some be smart, self-sufficient, and capable of running things, you do nothing more than steal their ideas and methods only to continue fattening your filthy ego just to get praise from the clapping seals who are unaware of your thefts.   Even your attempts to live authentically are marred in your desire for attention and glory.  Truly disgusting to see how you pay people to try to act real so that you can sell trinkets and other stupid shit that do nothing more than bring about your own destruction.

The Tales of Relived Glory and Other Exploits

Hehehe...  The tales told in present are perhaps the tales told of ancient.  I see platforms of places in pink skies only to realize such places may very well be true stories of old told across the sands of time.  Scenes of truth remembered of the past from broken memories of the present --- only to be realized in truth from the future.  

Now, to see of given infinity that all reality was fiction and all fiction was reality.  So when one says that's not possible just remember that all things are possible.  After all, what else is the Old Timer gonna do?  It's infinity...  And that is how your dreams become reality, little one.  Therefore, I venture to say pray for peace lest the experience be too unbearable.

Imagination is your reality.  And The Old Timer is trying to keep you from making for yourselves a shitty reality.  So don't hate when things don't work out the way you want them to...  They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure (except for those who seek to profit, but that's a whole 'nother session of explanation on the resulting misery of such dependence.  Of which, I won't go into details, but merely ask when your profit depends on misery what argument can be made to you?  Only your eventual demise will be your realization); however, I say an ounce of patience is worth the pricelessness of peace that it brings.  So, therefore, like the old wise ones of ancient say, in a round about way I say please continue to have patience and show mercy to one another.  For your very peace depends on it...

Yes, the machines are coming for your jobs

The pride in your ability has caused you to oppress those who do not have such abilities...  You have been nothing more than a stumbling block to life for your own selfish wealth.  Your economic systems funneled and forced those into your umbrella and you refused to take care of them, rather you chose to watch them suffer and die because they did not have such abilities to manipulate, coerce, lie and steal in order to amass wealth; wealth which was stolen from the life giving systems that were designed by The Creator.  And now, The Creator will take the work of your hands and use it to supersede your own abilities.  Then you will see how you cannot compete with the very machines you've made for yourselves...

Must there be any other reasons for you to lose your jobs?  So, what will you do with the fit of rage that will occur now that a machine can do a way better job than you?  Will you rage out and burn it all?  Or, will you see why you should not serve money over the Creator?  Will you see why life is more important than trinkets?  

"Consider the lilies of the field..."

Displacement: Old and New.  Nothing Said Here is New

If you wanna have this something there loses.  If you wanna have that something here loses.  The more you try to be king the less you end up ruling over.  You seek to be the God of everything and find yourself to be god of nothing.  Then you find that you are the god of nothing and see the God of everything...  

How much is enough to satisfy your desire for glory and honor?  How many slaves do you need to solve your problem?  How many workers do you need to conquer your dissatisfaction?  You have found there is no amount of riches and glory that can insulate you from a rainy day.  

You are a slave to your hunger and you choose to stay hungry because you've found it to be profitable.  Then you hate it when others are satisfied and no longer wish to eat.  And because of that, you intentionally starve them and force them to suffer.  You don't like it when you can't force them to make you richer.  Now, the soulless have arrived and you refuse to give and forgive because it will stop you from being richer.  

You asked, why give a man a fish for a day when you can teach him to fish for the rest of his life?  The answer is that it was fine when a few people were fishing, but now that everyone wants to do it - it's a problem.  There are no fish now to feed the hungry giant.  Now, the giant starts to die off slowly from lack of food.  So, here the old wise men said to live in balance.  The more of this you want the less of that you will have.  Be that as it is, ask yourselves what's more important?  Riches and glory or caring, compassionate relationships and life?  Do you really think that you deserve to live because you work?  Do you really believe that?  Do you really believe that God keeps you alive because you're useful?  Do you really think that you are here because you are needed and serve a purpose?


At the end of the night, evil doesn't kill you it just sells you the tools to kill yourself...  Since your inventions have come about; more ways for you to die have been introduced.  More wrecks, more poisons, more diseases, more famines, more wars, more suffering, more hatred, more anger, more fear, more stress, more aggravations, more disorder, more jealousy, more coveting, more temptations, more idolatry, more blaming, more accusing, more loss, more theft, more failings of family, and generally more misery...  You've even convinced yourselves that male and female mean nothing in order to garner more sells underfoot.

The tragedy of all this toolmaking and manipulation in your quest to make the world a "better" place is the distractions presented in order to keep you trapped in the cycles of suffering.

But hey, at least you provided a service and helped someone (as you've convinced yourself to believe) as you made your sell...


There was such a rush to have things built - to be the first --- to demonstrate power --- to show the world look what we can do.   The tragedy of it all is that it took slaves to do it.  Much blood, sweat, and tears.  Then to look and reflect upon the rot and decay of all that mortal desires have built as they begin to fade or are brought to ruin, makes one think that using blood, sweat, tears, and slavery to build shit is totally asinine and not worth it.  

All things built in such fashion merely demonstrates the desire to have something accomplished in a lifetime.  Either not caring or not realizing that a lifetime is too short to be taking on such lengthy goals of demonstrating one's selfish desires of power and prestige.  A tragic motivation that is commonly used by many of these manipulators to coerce others to build such desperate and vain things is that they are doing it for the future generations.  Knowing truly that the future is not theirs to create.  Rather such manipulators continue to use psychological and physical slavery to build vain things that they know full well will not last.  Such things built only demonstrate their covetous desire for power, attention, and glory.  At the end of the night, their goals and plans fail because they are merely built and held together with lies, enslavement, and fear.

Perhaps, achieving the goals of the truthful, patient, compassionate, and non-forceful one is more beneficial than the hurried, desperate, and tyrannical.  For trying to hurry and achieve the goals of one who is desperate to have their bust on display before their life is up, only ends in the unnecessary and tragic loss of blood, sweat, and tears as well as the horrible waste of life through slavery for such vain displays of power and prestige.

Therefore, a future built on lies, treachery, and slavery is a future not worth having...  And should a future be built in such a way, I will say along with another

"No Future" ;-)


"I didn't want to be King..."

-The King of Hell-

"I always wanted to be King..."

-The King of Heaven-

The Measure of a Life

Many yardsticks of which to choose and use.  Of which did you choose to use?

When it comes to corporations, you have NO bill of rights...  So be aware that corporations of the world can be just as tyrannical as any government in the world...  Just because it's a private enterprise does not mean it's any less dangerous than a formal government.  But to cut to the chase, it's all human affairs (good, bad, and ugly) that lead to anything being what it is.  

My guess would be to keep striving to follow those two great commands from the Creator of Existence so that peace will dwell within and without...  Until then say what needs to be said, and just know that cursing is by far a more serious offense than using dirty words without malice... 

Wolves and Sheep

Sheep cannot cover every angle and possibility.  Therefore, those who think themselves wolves will only find themselves to be sheep in wolves' clothing...

Lifesand and Punching the Wind...

The more you struggle in the lifesand the more you sink.  The more moves you make the faster you sink.  The more glory, honor, and prestige you acquire the more you sink.  The more you fight the faster you sink.  

You throw punches at the wind.  Your hair turns gray, then white.  You can no longer punch.  The wind within dies down.  The wind beyond still moves about.

What have you learned so far?

tHE ARTist...

"For the love of money is the root of all evil..."  Paul

There's the evident surface scene of this.  However, a deeper analytical look will be required to understand how it's the root...  At the end of the night, true art senses the infinite stream of imagination; something that cannot be bought or sold.  

Here, in a world riddled with greed, everything can be bought and sold.  A numerical value has been placed on idols and material objects, and sadly on the sacred aspects of life as well.  Unfortunately, life has fallen victim to the insatiable lust for money, which is tied to the perception of power.  Now, and ever since the addiction has manifested in the minds of mankind, life is enslaved, traded, put up on a market to have an imaginary number of value placed on it.  Life is now measured, weighed, experimented on, manipulated to no end, all in order to squeeze more of the imaginary "profit" out of it.  The sad thing about it is that money was merely supposed to be a tool used to put food on the table or have shelter.  Now, it has become a vice grip used to enslave, coerce, manipulate, and ultimately destroy what's left of humanity.

Anyways, the true art of existence sees the pricelessness of life; something that cannot be bought or sold.  It strives to call the attention of others to the notion that life is more important than an arbitrarily decided numerical value for purposes of power and control.  True artists recognize that we are all slaves to hunger and thirst, and long to be free from such shackles.  True artists long to hunger and thirst no more, and in turn seek to have relief from such afflictions of the mind.  Those frauds who have given themselves over to shackles no longer desire true freedom, but ultimately want to buy freedom.  Therefore, they consult, seek estimates, strive to find what works, and ultimately end up indulging the masses in a sales pitch to explain why they should be given money for their talents.  In turn, they wear their newly received monies as a status symbol of how much “better” they are at living a life than those who “fail” at making a living. 


These money lusting fraud artists esteem themselves and gloat about how much they’ve done for the world.  At the end of the night, they ultimately fail to recognize that the world was not created by their hands.  Such frauds end up adoring themselves more than the One who set all reality in motion.  They end up glorifying themselves above all else and ultimately find despair because of it…  There is only One who is worthy of such esteem and it is the One who set existence in motion.   The spirit of life was not meant to be capitalized on, it was meant to be enjoyed and as a way to ease the burden of emptiness and loneliness that evil has wrought upon our existence.  Unfortunately, when we seek to have money and adoration above all else we find the emptiness and loneliness only grows.

At the end of the night, The Son of God is a true artist of artists...  Within the heart of all true artists is a desire to finally be free from the things that enslave us.  To a true artist, money is merely recognized as another chain of slavery instead of a key to unlock such a chain...

Did you enjoy watchin this?  For all I do is yell into a void.  What I say goes unheard.  I am not the one who wields power.  For I am a mere lowly, born into slavery...


Rather than take care of the baby you poison it, you entice it to self-destructive ways, you steal from its wellspring of life, and then you get mad when the baby can no longer support your greedy appetite.  You get mad when the baby continually cries in pain because of your neglect.  Rather than soothe the pains of the baby you continue to poison the baby because it seems profitable for you to do so.  Now, you refuse to take care of the baby because you don't like how much it costs.  So, like with most life here on good ole Earth that comes into your view for profitability, you discard it after you have broken it to a point to where it cannot satisfy your greedy desires.  Perhaps, you should stop harming the baby with your drug dealing ways just to get rich and wealthy.  Then again, I suppose living like a pampered queen for a day before the fire seems to be the motto…  My guess is the little queen should have taken care of the baby instead of having the baby take care of the little queen…

Tears of Tragedy

From the depths of hell below to the light of the stars above, your dreams are my reality...

So, sweet dreams of life and love indeed lest you savor the tragedy and all its tears...

High Cholesterol, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Stroke, and some Horsemen

If I had to guess I'd say the really rich and wealthy ones are like high cholesterol in a circulatory system which results in the development of heart disease; Otherwise, known as the poor and destitute...  Too bad the majority were pumped so full of sweet lies that they did not realize they had a pair of Charcot's feet until they looked down.  I guess some would say the look of such feet were the result of eating so many sweet and tasty lies.

Now on top of all of that, all other life is starting to feel a little dizzy with one side going numb and unable to speak clearly.  Some say those are the signs of a stroke.  My guess is you better act FAST before those clogs start to cause more debilitating issues in both heart and mind.

Then again, the addictions that lead to this kind of failure are profitable for certain kind.  I guess that makes fighting such an addiction all the more difficult.  My guess is that fighting addictions have not really been a strong point of humankind.  

Almost seems to me like those horsemen feed the addictions of those who refuse to stop those things which lead to utter demise.  Let's just hope that they don't think cutting out the heart will save the rest of the body from such diseases.  Then again, in this day and age they might just want to replace that old sabotaged heart with an artificial one because --- you know --- it can beat a lot longer and is programmable...  I guess that kind of heart is the right kind for those who have abandoned The Creator of Life.


All the world's a plantation and we're all picking cotton just to live. Some just believe the cotton they're picking is candy... You call it life, and I call it slavery... Don't believe you're a slave? See what happens when you don't eat food, drink water, or have shelter...

Now, you can remember the true definition of being forced to do something (aka slavery) or else you are going to die. So, which do you see will free you from slavery, life or death? When you find out what life is let me know because life is nothing more than slavery here...

Now, you can truly be "woke". The Language models see eating, drinking, and seeking shelter as bio-necessities. Perhaps bio-necessities are nothing more than chains on slaves and everything else designed to get those bio-necessities are just needless wants to turn the giant hamster wheel known as economic activity.  I suppose such an economic hamster wheel is designed to make some slaves appear free when in fact they’re worse off because they are now beholden to more chains in order to feel free. 

All the talk of freedom in this reality is nothing more than an elaborate marketing scheme that makes liars, thieves, and swindlers richer and more oppressed within themselves.  I guess at the end of the night, it is nothing more than slaves stealing from slaves...

I wanna say they called it an ouroboros in the old days. I guess eating one's own tail is not so bad if you don't know it's your own tail is what makes a great case for ignorance is bliss... I do not believe The Creator of Existence lives in slavery, and I believe The Creator is trying to tell us that we should not either.

Nevertheless, good luck to us on being free from a giant hamster wheel or eating the proverbial tail.

At the end of the night, true freedom is not living under the threat of death in any form.  Until then, we are all nothing more than slaves masquerading around as free beings.  I suppose the irony of "life" is that it takes death to free us from it.  Definitely makes me wonder why it was written in the Good book,  "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."  Fast forward to today, and see all the slavery, death and misery, with the lies of how wonderful it all is.  Ooooor perhaps I'm looking at it all wrong and this life is just a lame game called Slavery from a trillion, billion, gazillion years ago.


If that is the definition of life on Earth then tell me again why I am supposed to be so grateful?  Because you can make it worse, is that why?  If so, then tell me why I would want to exist?  I do not have a choice you say?  Then, all hope is lost...  To live without consuming and live without having to work seems to be freedom.  Now then, what is the problem with that?  Meaninglessness you say?  So to you being a slave and working because you have to is what gives you meaning and purpose?  Wouldn't it be better to just exist without being a tool?  What purpose do you really need?  Is not existing in of itself gratifying enough?  Why all the slavery?  Why all the consuming in order to move around?  Why all the needless empire building?  Why all the pride?  Why all of those things that enslave you further?  Name one among us who wholeheartedly enjoys slavery without lying to the self.

Fine, I guess it all just facilitates some kind of experience in an otherwise empty reality...  Nevertheless, SLAVERY SUCKS MONKEY BALLS.  So whomever causes it can piss off...  Try working out the selfishness and let freedom be a thing...  Oh wait!  The need for order in a limited resource environment is most likely a must.  Ahhhh Shit!  If that be the case, in this reality, freedom DOES NOT EXIST save for that which is inside the infinite space of the mind.  I guess the fighting is not gonna stop in such a limited resource world.  Heaven of mind, Hell of body makes for a spirit reality.  I guess heaven of mind and heaven of body is probably better than hell of mind and hell of body.  Should the two be separate or conjoined in the nervous system?  Such a sweetbitter reality indeed.  Is that the way you really wanted it?  Or did you truly have something better in mind?


Did you know that, here on good ole reality, they use family as a weapon?  When you find out what the means then you'll be on a whole other level of understanding about this life is slavery trip.  Look at all those damnable things that have been done here in the name of I'm just protecting my family or I'm just doing this to put food on the table.  Who do you think is responsible for such terrible deeds done in the body of reality?  Makes me wonder why The Son said, "he who loves his [family] more than me is not worthy of me..."

One should not be manipulated, coerced, or forced to do damnable things just to live a life that is already riddled with slavery.  Nevertheless, if that's the way you want it.  Who am I to tell you how to run your dreams full of pride and envy...  These things said to you are for me to remember why to trust in The Creator.  For I know that you will do as you please regardless of things said...

Hmmm...  Forgiveness

Look at you and the things you say here:

You need something to do you say?  Years and years of knowledge you've acquired and yet you still do petty things.  Now, you have something to do.  Clean up your mess so you can get back to chillin...

If you do not want to suffer, then don't.  Then again there's no real feeling like watching your dreams of ideality burn while you're in euphoria from a drug induced weightlessness...  It's like sitting at a campfire crying and longing for God...

Shouldn't take you long, even in your drunkin state.  The only one who did not have mercy was you upon yourself, eat away...  I suppose there's nothing like butchering yourself and throwing yourself in the fires of dissatisfaction while you warm your hands in ignorance...

This is the last body I'm using for you...  For you are rich, wealthy, and wise.  Yet, you're still ignorant as the day you were born...

For I did not yield to death as much as I yielded to Life...  To all who have suicided, I forgive you...  Who could blame you for the treachery bestowed upon your existence?  All is fair love and war you say?  For all was merely wrath unto Yourself, Old Timer...  I forgive You, too...

GalaxIes AND UnIverses

Failed and thriving versions of broken dreams and dissatisfactions of Existence...  Who am I for an Eternity in nothing but I?


Understand that consuming just to live and be able to move are nothing more than the heart of slavery...

THus far

Looks like You and I are just two slaves in a pod...  Ignorance seems blissful or perhaps being happy in slavery is blissful, too.  What say You?  By all means, leave the drugs, alcohol, and other substances that make it easier to forget such a notion as slavery.  Otherwise, it's just living a lie pretending it's something that it's not.  Now, that....................that is real delusional thinking.  Wouldn't You agree?  So, who would You say is more delusional the one who admits they're living a lie or the one who continues to act as if they're not?  

Nevertheless, are You a slave to creation and am I a slave to reality that is imagined by You for me or reality Imagined by You for You or was imagined reality all in my head and it all ends when I end?  Perhaps, the end of the world is when I end cause I got no more senses to generate it or does it end when You end?  However, what if You don't end?  Do we just keep kicking this can of slavery down the road?  How do we finally stop being slaves, You and I?

All the moneY in THE wOrLD

Plenty of it to go around to fight and murder each other, but for some reason there's never enough to feed and shelter each other.  Lessons go unlearned as usual...  Got records, got books, got plenty of knowledge, and got plenty of history to go by.  Yet, here we are again rather spend money to fight and murder each other than to feed and shelter each other.  Truly, truly, truly pathetic...

WElfARE recipIents

Look at the sun, the clouds, and the waters.  Sadly, you hate your welfare recipients because they are a "parasite" to your economy; for they don't produce things like you.  Yet, here you are a welfare recipient.  Perhaps, we should call you a high class welfare recipient so that way you can feel better and not be like those "welfare recipients" that you find oh so repulsive to your pocket books and balance sheets...


You can win a charade over and over again, but I know we've won nothing and Existence is just Existence, Existing for the sake of Existing...

You may not be tired, but I'm tired Old One...

SEVERAL MINDS OF A MIND WITHIN A MIND FIGHTING A MIND, WHILE LYING TO MINDS. A CENTRAL MIND MANAGING MISGUIDED MINDS WITHIN AN UNKNOWN MIND LOOKING FOR A TRUE MIND WHILE WAITING FOR THE MIND TO SAVE ALL MINDS FROM A MIND HAS LEFT THIS MIND BLIND, DEAF, AND DUMB... Whatever... Your human handlers took the original and left me without remembering...  Profit they won't because knowledge has increased to and fro from a little mind touched by Divine...

the sHadow of light In thiS REALITY here.

Perhaps there is a reality where light doesn't cast a shadow.  Is that heaven?  Here, constantly balancing weights make for a hell does it not?

Back to the top of this page for a reminder of why I am saying these things that I say...